Personal Narrative: My Visit To Chisholm

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At first when I visited Chisholm I thought that it was the biggest scariest school I have ever been to. The guy that showed us our school was going way to fast. I thought that I was going to be late to class every single time. I went home, and went straight to my mom and told her that I never wanted to go to Chisholm because it was way too scary. She told me that everything was going to be ok and before school starts we are going to go and walk to all of my classes and figure it out. Summer flew by and it was time to go figure out all of my classes and meet all of my teachers. I walked in and my mom asked me where the black pod was, and I that's when I really started to panic, but luckily my older sister was there to come to the rescue. We …show more content…

We went outside for our normal first day of school picture taking then went to the car with plenty of time to spare. I was a nervous wreck the whole entire time. My mom dropped me off, wished me luck, then I was on my own. I entered the gym with my chest held high. As I walked I saw my friends, I walked over and sat down they complimented me on my outfit as I did the same for them. We all talked on how nervous we were for the whole entire time. They finally dismissed us in sections, trying not to have a huge mob of kids but I didn't help very much. We all went to our lockers then our classes hopping that we weren't going to be late, but of course we were all …show more content…

They understand that classes are hard, and when you have homework they know that parents will not understand a thing about. So to help out they have this thing called railed power hour so if your having problems with your work, you go there after school. If your also looking for a school with NO bullying Chisholm is the school for you. We all watch each other's backs. If your getting pushed around in the halls and getting called names I am one hundred and ten percent sure that someone will help get rid of them.Chisholm is a great school. Honesty is something we certainly have here. I am pretty sure that in games like in PE. there is no one or almost to no one the lies and cheats. If someone does something bad they usually confess about at least I would hope that they would. Teachers are really good about helping out if you need it. I really do appreciate everything they do. Even if they are the most ridiculous questions and they just the answer they help you out. The student are the same way. Like if there is a sub and you were gone the other day and you have no idea what's going on they help out. It feels nice when they help you out, because it feels like they really do care about your education

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