Personal Narrative: My Trip To The Minnesota Marine Art Museum

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My trip to the Minnesota Marine Art Museum was admiring. As I walked into the museum I got a sense of peacefulness. It seemed as if I was in the moment, looking at all the amazing art pieces admired me to do better. The tour guides were right there to welcome us in, help you find specific art work, answer any questions you had and even give you more information. Standing in the atrium of MMAM the beaver on the wall caught my eye and drew all my attention to it. The beaver on the wall was a great sculpture. All of the artwork in each gallery had similarities or connections, they did an excellent job organizing it. Those who constructed and set up the museum did a fabulous job with the use of space the artwork looked well, there wasn’t too much empty space and it wasn’t cluttered. It seemed as if each gallery …show more content…

My favorite part was the free time we had, I enjoyed this because it allowed us to go around and look at art we were about to spend more time on the ones we liked and move past the ones we didn’t. My least favorite part was the lack of time, it felt as if the tour guides were rushed and couldn’t go in depth with information on each piece of artwork. Overall, I enjoyed my museum visit. The first piece of art I choose from the permanent gallery was the Rainbow Falls by James Hope in 1871. I choose this image because as I viewed the artwork it felt as if I was right there standing in the moment, it felt so real. This specific piece of art was found in the Hudson River School gallery. Rainbow Falls by James Hope was a bigger image I would guess about 2 feet by 1 foot if I remember right. When looking at Rainbow Falls I see a beautiful water area. You get a sense of peace flowing through you as you look into it. The rock in the back is structured so well, the waterfall makes it

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