Personal Narrative: My Trip To Canada

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As some of you know I moved here almost a year ago and I’m pretty new to the system. When I first came here I was so excited to be in Canada but extremely terrified to go to school. The curriculum in my country, is very different from the Ontario curriculum. I attended a British-curriculum school and that was also different. The most I knew about the school were “as seen on TV’’. I expected cliques like the jock, nerds, goths, smart kids, cheerleaders, lockers which you wouldn’t even believe how excited I was about them and other cliche things in movies. I was mostly terrified due to the fact that I was a bit on the shy side and was absolutely terrible at making friends.

When I heard I was going to attend Assumption I was not so happy because my parents made this choice without asking me. I was going into grade 9, I know, I know, then why am I in Grade 8?. Nigeria, there wasn’t an age requirement for each grade unlike Canada. I went over to the High School to write my exams and they told me I was too young for the grade. I was so depressed. I complained and lamented to my mom that it wasn’t fair they didn’t even …show more content…

The only thing I was excited for at first was that I had the opportunity to go to the amazing Muskoka trip as the fabulous secretary, Miss Rock escribed it. This experience has changed my life, I made strong relationships with people such as my teachers Mrs. Evon who thinks (add something mrs. Evon thinks I am), with Coni, Katherine and Jaden who will forever have a place in my heart. I made friends with people I never thought I’d talk to, done things I never imagined myself doing, and taken risks unfathomable to me. As time went by I grew a great liking for this school and was happy that I didn’t go to Grade 9, if not how would I have these amazing people I now have in my life. And for my classmates, for always bringing a little liveliness into situations and being so friendly and super

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