Personal Narrative: My Migration To America

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You’d think landing in the J.F.K International airport would seem like a blur to a four year old foreign child joining his family looking for better opportunities in America. That four year old foreigner is me, Naween Mendis. I migrated here to America from my motherland, Sri Lanka on a freezing winter day in December and I recall evidently of my experience getting off my twenty four hour flight. Exiting through the doors of the airport for the first time, I got my first reality of what we call Winter! The cold and snowy climate was not for me. I could not wait to go back home to see my grandparents again and live comfortably in my adapted warm weather. It wasn't until later, I slowly realized that this was not the case. I would not be going back “home” for a while and I also would never see my grandparents again. Growing up as an undocumented immigrant, my family had to overcome a lot of …show more content…

They showed me that anything can be overcome, it's just a matter of how much determination and hard work you put into something! I regret not acknowledging this until I grew older and started realizing what they put on the line for their kid’s futures. I’ve seen my parents encounter troubles anywhere from walking fifteen miles to come get my brothers or I from school when we got sent home sick to even having to miss some family funerals back in Sri Lanka because of the disability to travel back at the moment. Not only was this burden put on my parents but my brothers just as much. These troubles entered their lives after graduating high school and applying for colleges. All their hard work couldn’t be awarded because of the lack of ability to claim scholarships and financial aid. This limited them to entering straight to a four year school right away due to tuition cost. With my parents struggles in mind, they made the most of what they had and a little more than a year later found great

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