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Role of the mental health nurse
The role of culture in mental health care
The role of culture in mental health care
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Recommended: Role of the mental health nurse
I could not wait to start the mental health clinical because I always hear about it from the seniors student. Last week was my first experience of the mental health facility; I was excited to see things I have never seen before, at the same time I was very scared. My expectation was different from what I saw. I thought the mental health clinical was simple as the others, but it is very complicated based on my first experience’s day. I felt very scared, and I said how I am going to deal with those people because I have never done that before. In the matter fact, I am a student I have to go through it because my goal is to care, to help, and to save people’s life with no exceptions. I am looking forward to getting a great experience in
In this paper I will be comparing the visit to the State Mental Institution and the
Psychiatric hospitals, also known as mental hospitals and mental asylums, are hospitals or wards specializing in the treatment of serious psychiatric diseases, such as clinical depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. Psychiatric hospitals vary widely in their size and grading. Some hospitals may specialize only in short-term or outpatient therapy for low-risk patients. Others may specialize in the temporary or permanent care of residents who, as a result of a psychological disorder, require routine assistance, treatment, or a specialized and controlled environment. Patients are often admitted on a voluntary basis, but people whom psychiatrists believe may pose a significant danger to themselves or others may be subject to involuntary commitment.
To sum up, the article is interesting and it is well composed or writing as well because the story brings a lot of people’s attention to the problems we are facing in each and any country in the world that many people does not think it is a problem but it is a problem to the society. The issue of mental problems is a big issue that the government needs to challenge by improving in providing mental hospitals to the mentally sick people. The writer of this article tries to bring the attention of the society and also the government so that they can see the dangers of mental
The creation of the profession of the mental health counseling was first founded in the 1900’s. However, the first mental health counse...
Continuing budget cuts on mental health care create negative and detrimental impacts on society due to increased improper care for mentally ill, public violence, and overcrowding in jails and emergency rooms. Origins, of mental health as people know it today, began in 1908. The movement initiated was known as “mental hygiene”, which was defined as referring to all things preserving mental health, including maintaining harmonious relation with others, and to participate in constructive changes in one’s social and physical environment (Bertolote 1). As a result of the current spending cuts approaching mental health care, proper treatment has declined drastically. The expanse of improper care to mentally ill peoples has elevated harmful threats of heightened public violence to society.
In 1950s the construction of new psychiatric centres took place in order to treat people with mental disorders. Local authorities provided financial resources to sustain these establishments of psychiatry. Apparently those psychiatric centres were treating the patients in unappropriated ways and inhuman acts as well as demanding them to remain inside the psychiatric centres for the rest of
It’s amazing how a horrific and negative life changing event can encourage and guide you in the path of your future. The end result may not be visible when it first takes place, but the process of a recovery can be extremely educational. You see, I was provided the opportunity of job shadowing firsthand the fields of athletic training and physical therapy due to a knee injury. I believe the majority of people would consider a severely damaged knee a dramatic setback in life. I was able to find the silver lining during the recovery.
For the duration of this clinical experiences my intentions are to gain experience in leadership and develop those skills by establishing a partnership with R.K. She is currently teaching a leadership development course which I would like to develop a partnership with her and complete a community project.
My heart is pounding, hands sweating, vision blurry, what wrong with me? What is that horrible sweet sound? I finally came to my senses and realized that I’m doing terrible on my first violin solo. I can hear the scratchy sound of my strings, the judge stopped me and told me to start again, and so I position myself properly I held my violin proudly, my back was straight, and my wrist shaped like an L, I took a deep breath and held it I place my bow back onto my string and started to play but this time my bow was bouncing I was shaking I sound unskillfully but I can hear the soft sound of the piano playing along with me I was off beat once I bunch a note the pianist will play one of its keys we are supposed to be together so I stopped and
Using narratives to gain an insight into human experience is becoming an increasingly popular method of exploration. Assuming that people are in essence narrative beings that experience every emotion and state through narrative, the value of exploring these gives us a unique understanding. Narrative is thought to act as instrument to explore how an individual constructs their own identity (Czarniawska, 1997) and explain how each individual makes sense of the world around them (Gabriel, 1998). It may also give us an understanding into individual thought processes in relation to individual decision making practices (O’Connor, 1997). It is evident from studies such as Heider and Simmel (1944), that there appears to be an instinctive nature in people to introduce plots structures and narratives into all situations, with an intention to construct meaning to all aspects of life in its entirety. The value of narrative is that it is a tool that allows us to understand what it means to be human and gives us an insight into a person’s lived experience whilst still acknowledging their cultural and social contexts. Narrative is thought to be significance as it is ‘a fruitful organizing principle to help understand the complex conduct of human beings (p.49)’ (Sarbin, 1990) The construction of a person’s narrative is thought to be dependent on each person’s individual awareness of themselves and the circumstances that surround them. However, a debate to whether a person is able to formulate a valid narrative in the face of a mental illness such as schizophrenia has emerged. Sufferer’s symptoms are often thought to interfere with their abilities to perceive within a level deemed acceptable to their society’s norms and therefore the validity ...
According to the C.D.C ( Centers for Disease Control) the term mental health is commonly used in reference to mental illness. However, knowledge in the field has advanced to a level that completely separates the two terminologies. But even so mental health and mental illness are indeed in fact related, they represent different psychological state of mind with in a person. Mental health refers to our physical and emotional well being. Mental health is mainly all about how we behave, interact, and think. It c...
My experience in mental health clinical was very different from any other clinical I had before. In a mental health clinical setting, I am not only treating client’s mental illnesses, I am also treating their medical problems such as COPD, diabetes, chronic renal failure, etc. Therefore, it is important to prepare for the unexpected events. In this mental health clinical, I learned that the importance of checking on my clients and making sure that they are doing fine by performing a quick head-to toes assessment at the beginning of my shift. I had also learned that client’s mental health illness had a huge impact on their current medical illness.
Certainly, I began with the goal getting of his vital sign and giving him a bed bath. Fortunately I had practice how to take a vital sign and giving a bed bath before my first clinical at the university skill lab and I had developed this confidence before my clinical tour. That day will be mastering the skill which I had just learned in manikins, and applying in real human with huge safety precaution. In between morning my instructor was giving me a brief before I getting to the patients room. From her experience she knew what kind of challenges and a patient behavior can be I face. As I proceeded to my own patient, I hit a roadblock that would give me a flat tire for the rest of the shift.
There should be a holistic approach to the treatment diagnosis and management of the people with mental illness. Such an approach should put into consideration the families of the people with mental illnesses and help them understand the issue. Once they understand, it is easier for them to welcome and help the individuals instead of sending them to institutions. To achieve prompt treatment, the mental health facilities and personnel need to be accessible and operate within the recommended standards.
It was dark that night, I was nervous that this dreadful day was going to get worse. Sunday, October 23, 1998 I wanted to start writing this to tell about the weird things i’m starting to see in this new neighborhood. Gradually I keep seeing pots and pans on the sink suddenly move to the floor. I would ask my sister but she is out with my mom and dad getting the Halloween costumes. When they got home I didn’t tell them what I saw because i've seen Halloween movies and I have to have dissimulation otherwise the ghost will come out and get me first. October 24, 1998 I think I got a little nervous yesterday with the whole ghost thing. 12:32pm, Went to eat lunch with the family today and I go to get my coat. I heard the words furious and madness,