Personal Narrative: My Life In Egypt

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I lived a good deal of my life in Egypt, then I came to the USA five years ago, and I have been living here since then. Looking behind, urging a very critical question: “do I regret doing this?” No one can argue that this action involved plenty of sacrifices, and enclosed on a vast range of bumps. One of the sacrifices is having a home sickness feeling; I daydream Egypt. Egypt’s love in my heart is irrevocable. It is my home country; the land of secrets and wonders; the land that witnessed my growth, all my cheerful moments, all my griefs, and all my memories. I am carving its picture- not only in my memory, but also in my soul. I am eager to lay eyes on every inch, and every corner in Egypt. I have an overwhelming desire to eye my house there, my past schools, even the streets I was walking in. Another sacrifice is leaving my family; I indeed miss my family. I have never had the chance to see my sister’s sons in real. Watching them on Skype puts me in deep sorrow. I wish if I can hold them, and eye their smiles. Also, I wish …show more content…

Certainly, you will feel it as an irresistible adventure. Every day you learn a new information, and have a valuable experience. You find yourself communicating with people with different cultures on a daily basis. Consequently, you will be a better communicator- who has a new perspective about the relationship, and hold the concept that all cultures should coexist and enrich each other. Moreover, having the chance to visit an exotic place, and see the wonder exists in this world; to develop new habits; or to try new food will emphasize the adventurous side that your life in this recent place entail. Trying a thing for the first time has a magical effect. It gives you a brand-new taste of life. Furthermore, it gives you the power to handle the problems, and stressful life situations; thus you can get by in life more

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