Personal Narrative: My Grandmother's Battle With Cancer

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In the second grade my great grandma was diagnosed with cancer and she passed a few years ago. Witnessing someone you love be in so much pain and endure something so terrible is truly one of the most disheartening things on this earth. One of the hardest parts of her cancer battle was watching the hair fall from her head. I truly admired my great grandmother most of all for her personality. I truly loved my grandmother and witnessing her battle against cancer was one of the most sad things I have ever experienced.
One of the hardest parts was when she started to lose her hair. Grams began lost her long grey hair and to her this was a lot more than hair, this was a part of who she was. As it began to fall out a part of her fell with it, a lot …show more content…

I had my grams back and with this slightly off looking wig came back her confidence to go do the things she always has. I witnessed this in the second grade and it really surprised me how much women and girls depend on their hair for confidence. Being an eight year old boy I could have cared less what my hair looked like and I wanted to have an impact on someone's life that was struggling the way my grandma was. I began to consider what it would be like for me to grow out my hair. My dad told me that he used to have long hair and I thought it was pretty cool. I decided that I would grow out my hair and donate it to locks for love.
This began in the third grade; I stopped getting haircuts altogether. My hair went to my ears and it was bright blonde. At this point my hair was pretty normal and it really was not a big deal, but this would change before the end of elementary school. In fourth grade I continued to grow out my hair. Sometime during the fourth grade my hair went past my ears. At this point some people would call me a hippie and I just kinda went along with the …show more content…

I have always been someone who stood up for people who were getting picked on. One day I was sitting at lunch at the end of my group of friends. The lunch room was particularly loud this day but I still overheard our average class bully picking on another kid. He was calling him stupid and a variety of names and I decided I would be the one to stand up for him. I told the bully it’s pretty ironic that you’re calling him stupid when you’re the dumbest kid in our class.He said shut up faggot and punched me across the face. I was completely confused at first but I stood up ready to beat the living shit out of this kid. I guess this was something he had never faced either. Maybe he expected me to just cower and go tell but the second I stood up and raised a fist he ran across the lunchroom to the lunch

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