Personal Narrative: My Generation, The Centennials

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There is an aura of isolation and damnation within recent generations, mainly Millennials and Centennials. There surplus amounts of, what I feel, are accusatory remarks towards my generation. Whether it be that we are careless, socially inept, lethargic, and technology based. In the end, we learn from prior generations--we learn from their senseless mistakes, their ignorance, and their foolish lifestyles. Now we are burdened, left to regulate the blunders made by the Baby-Boomer generation. The recent generations refuse to be taken lightly and question authority because we want change, we want improved global conditions; we want to live. My generation, the Centennials, are a technology reliant generation with apparent apathetic behavior, inducing a judgmental and grim youth social society. …show more content…

Youth society can often be barren and dark, witnessing people harassing other because of medical conditions or social status is truly saddening. But it is unfortunately the common life of the adolescent population; all you can do is hope to avoid being a target. Although, most of the time, this bashing behavior is targeted to those who do deserve it, those that have committed foolish acts such as bullying others online or physically. Occasionally, on the internet, the bullies are bullied, and remorse is seldom shown. The adolescent population will not tolerate any atrocious conduct towards others. These rude actions, although frowned upon, are also constant due to the apathetic attitude that is regularly shown within the Centennial

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