Technology: The Causes And Effects Of Cyber Bullying

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Bullying has become part of our everyday lives; we cannot take away the fact that there are just two kinds of teenagers living in today’s generation; the bullies and the victims. Every day, people suffer from those intimidations they are receiving from other people, while some (bullies) feel happy about the fact that they were able to hurt others physically and emotionally. It is sad to know that we could not just stop those bullies; they always find a way to threaten other people. Because of the advancement in technology, bullies found an easier way in harassing people with just a click away. Also, it has become more severe because social media provides a variety of audiences which allows them to become negatively aware. Due to technology, …show more content…

By definition, it takes place using electronic technology including devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tools including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites. “The word “bully” can be traced back as far as the 1530s. (Harper, 2008). In its most basic sense bullying involves two people, a bully and a victim. The bully abuses the victim through physical and verbally. Cyber bullying, is sometimes referred to as online social cruelty or electronic bullying, it has been described as "an aggressive, intentional Act carried out by a group”. Cyber bullying is often done through social networking sites, like Face book or Twitter, but can also be used with instant messaging or blogging. The New York Times defines cyber bullying as, “an imprecise label for online activities ranging from barrages of teasing texts to sexually harassing group sites” In a Cox Communication (2009) survey of 13-18 years-old we’re asked how often they are involved in cyber bullying, 15% tells that they are cyber bullied online and 7% cyber bullied another person …show more content…

Though many parents believe that they are purchasing a cell phone for their child for protective reasons, the opposite may be true as many teens admit to using their phones as an instrument for cyber bullying. Bullying can happen everywhere and in everyone in the society whether it is on school, office, household and the most common nowadays, social networking sites. Teenagers often use social media to know the latest gossips, trends in fashion, news about their friends and many

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