Personal Narrative: My First Week At Saint Thomas University

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“My first week at STU” I am a freshman at Saint Thomas University so I am experiencing the “college life” for the first time. Since I am a resident living on campus, my first week started on move-in day. I moved in on a Friday and it was very hectic. My family and I had to wake up at 5 in the morning to arrive at the earliest time. We wanted to arrive as early as possible so that I could pick out my area of the room before my roommates. We did not even get a chance to eat breakfast due to the chaos that day. There was so much more items we needed to buy so we had to spend over $100 that day. Meeting my roommates was very scary because I have never seen them in my life and I am practically living with strangers. I live 15 minutes away from …show more content…

My expectation of the first day was that I would be extremely scared and reserved, however, I was not. The first day that I slept in my dorm was quite peaceful; I had no trouble sleeping or waking up. All my Summer, I was sleeping around four in the morning and waking up early still needs to get worked on. The first time I ate at the dining hall was not very pleasant. I am a vegan, so I do not eat any animal products. The options that day was just salad and vegetables. After a couple days though, the food in the dining hall incorporated more vegan-friendly options. My friend from my high school attends STU so we met up and I met his friend. We hung out and I was so glad I was not left alone. There were some events for the Freshman orientation and it was so fun. All the activities were outside and required physical activity. Looking back, I am grateful for them because I met some friends. The next day, Bobcat Serve Day, was very eye-opening because the students got to see the issues in the community and we took part in helping a nearby middle school. It was really fun and yet again, I met a friend. My nerves were getting out of hand when the first day of actual classes came. All my classes were not too long and

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