Personal Narrative: My First Time Playing Basketball

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My first time playing basketball was at home and i was about 4 or 5 we had an basketball court and my older sisters would always show my what to do the correct way to do it . I didn't always get a turn which made me a little upset at time but eventually I got to play regularly.

I've always seen my sister playing basketball .In the beginning I didn't lie basketball ,but now that i'm getting older and learning more about basketball I love it.I started seeing basketball games starting at the age of 3 .I started playing in the middle of 2017 in my backyard just dribbling and pretending the roof was a court . Not too long ago I got a basketball court for Christmas.

Ever since I got a basketball court for Christmas I've been playing out side at lest every other day.I playing outside …show more content…

The time I went to practice with my sister made me nervous because there all are older and better. My sister's teammate crystal taught me how to shoot and where to aim to be able to make the shot .The coach taught me how to better my lay ups he told me the drills and the correct way to do them.

From my experience I already knew how to do somethings.I knew what shooting,dribbling,and passing was .Over the pass months I've gotten better to were my shooting is okay and to were my dribbling is good.The good part of me being good at dribbling i never travel.

I know i'm not as good as a perceptional but I like to show other how to shoot and other drills that I learned by other people .I have taught my 2 friends for my neighborhood and I've showed my other sister when they mess up or forget .Most of the time they just pretend so,I can show them and they could see how much more I learned in

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