Personal Narrative: My First Job

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First Job Realizing that I was growing up and moving toward adulthood was the hardest thing that has ever come to me in life. This realization occurred this summer when I had to get my first job. Getting my first job was very difficult for me as I am not good with new and change in my life. Working my first job over the summer showed me responsibility, taught me to speak up for myself, and opened me up becoming an adult. Responsibility is one of life’s most valuable lessons. My whole life I have only had to be responsible for school work and doing my chores around the house, but being responsible for a job is completely different. My first job was at a boat factory this summer. It taught me responsibility in many ways. My job required me to be timely. If I wasn’t on time, I lost my job as a factory is very strict about efficiency. It also taught me how to be responsible with my money. I am starting to pay for my own things in life now as my parents see that I am growing up. Having my own money shows me the difficulties of being an adult and only spending it when necessary. …show more content…

In order to get my job i had to have an interview and talking is not my strength when it comes to new people. I was so nervous walking into the interview room, but I just told myself that this is how life is and all could do was my best. The interview not only taught me to speak out, but working at my job did as well. I am always scared to ask questions because I do not want people to think i am stupid. But in my first week of working I had so many questions. So, I ignored my fear and built up the courage to ask. I am so much better at not being afraid to speak up for

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