Personal Narrative: My Experience With A Minecraft Server

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I can assist the server in alot of ways, i'm playing minecraft since 4 years ego, i owned an a minecraft server, My experience ranges from the slightest of responsibilities to even owning a server. I was once a staff member on a server owned by two almost famous YouTubers, but sadly the server was shut down. My role was a Helper. As I was in training, I was taught how to react according to the situations progress. For example, if a player was spamming chat wildly, I wouldn’t freak out and over react, I would first attain evidence of the occurrence, punish according to the given times, clear the chat to clear the spam, and make sure no players were afflicted by the players actions and continue playing like nothing occurred. Since my training, my skills have built up over time and I believe my maturity and skill are combining making me a …show more content…

Lately, I revisit my friends who were staff members on semi-big servers and asked about their experience. I have combined all the tips I have received and I am truly ready to bring it to this server. I can assure my knowledge with commands is very well. I am aware of all the basic commands; ban, tempban, tempmute, mute, kick, etc. Another great thing is I know how to use them at what time and when. I have also seen how staff members have reacted so certain situations. When this happens, I take advantage and observe how they react. Every staff member is different when it comes to situations. For example, every staff member has a different reaction time, and different typing rate. This is important for many reasons. First of all, if someone is advertising, you can't sit there for five minutes trying to type a command, you must type fast and get the advertiser banned. I believe I can be a staff member that is calm, and when in time of need, I can guarantee I will be there for any player/staff

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