Personal Narrative: My Early Reading Life

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As a young girl, i've found it harder to read than it is for others. I was never a fan of reading or anything that had to do with reading. I never found books interesting or I never understood them as a child Remembering my early reading life, I never really liked reading, I remember my mom would always try to get me to sit down in one corner of my couch and get me to read, then I would run around the house crying and would hide on a shelve in my closet so she wouldn’t find me, but everytime I hid up there she ended up finding me. I would go downstairs and sit on the couch with my mom and she would read to me well I was zoning out and not paying attention to what she said. I did not like reading because I found it worthless and I thought it was weird to read, and I could never get into a story or I could …show more content…

It was not like in middle school when we got to read our own book. When either my mom or my teacher picked out my book, that is when I really started to not like reading. The books they picked out I had absolutely no interest in. So growing up the first real book I read, I had no interest in and hated it a lot. So throughout elementary I thought every single book was like that book I read in first grade. I never would pick up another book until I found the book “Wonder” by R.J. Palaco. This book by R.J Palacio is my favorite book. This was the only book I have ever really liked. When I read in elementary I would sit on the couch with my mom and I would read too her. I never had any mistakes when I read in my head, I never would have a problem pronouncing. Then when I read out loud I made many more mistakes. I had trouble pronouncing words, i kept raising my voice at the end of the a sentence and my voice lower at the beginning, and mainly I had trouble just in reality saying the words. So carrying through elementary I never liked reading at

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