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Important Children'Literature
Important Children'Literature
Overview of Children's Literature
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As a young girl, i've found it harder to read than it is for others. I was never a fan of reading or anything that had to do with reading. I never found books interesting or I never understood them as a child Remembering my early reading life, I never really liked reading, I remember my mom would always try to get me to sit down in one corner of my couch and get me to read, then I would run around the house crying and would hide on a shelve in my closet so she wouldn’t find me, but everytime I hid up there she ended up finding me. I would go downstairs and sit on the couch with my mom and she would read to me well I was zoning out and not paying attention to what she said. I did not like reading because I found it worthless and I thought it was weird to read, and I could never get into a story or I could …show more content…
It was not like in middle school when we got to read our own book. When either my mom or my teacher picked out my book, that is when I really started to not like reading. The books they picked out I had absolutely no interest in. So growing up the first real book I read, I had no interest in and hated it a lot. So throughout elementary I thought every single book was like that book I read in first grade. I never would pick up another book until I found the book “Wonder” by R.J. Palaco. This book by R.J Palacio is my favorite book. This was the only book I have ever really liked. When I read in elementary I would sit on the couch with my mom and I would read too her. I never had any mistakes when I read in my head, I never would have a problem pronouncing. Then when I read out loud I made many more mistakes. I had trouble pronouncing words, i kept raising my voice at the end of the a sentence and my voice lower at the beginning, and mainly I had trouble just in reality saying the words. So carrying through elementary I never liked reading at
Struggling with reading came early on in Mikayla’s academic years. Her family was definitely an early influence in her reading ability. Her parents and grandparents were very involved in Mikayla’s reading development. Her father on his off nights would read bedtime stories to her and her sister until about third grade. After third grade, she was expected to read at least thirty minutes before bed every night. She also joined in on Grandpa’s morning rituals of reading the paper, she would read the funnies. According to Jongsu Wee, we learn our reading habits because it is embedded in our everyday life (Jongsu, 2009). Pamela, Mikayla’s mother, said that often Mikayla was very talkative about the books her parents would read to her. She was so excited about reading the next one that often times her mother would stop in the middle of reading to leave her in suspense. Her grandfather, Carl, was also a great influence in her reading. When she would stay at her grandparents’ house, Carl would often read her the funnies or a story in...
Instead of mom reading children’s books to me, I read them to her. And if I stumbled upon something I didn’t know or understand, mom helped me out! Soon enough I started reading to her without stuttering of not knowing how to say a word. I started being able to sound out words easier and my fluency became much better than before. First grade came around and I started reading bigger books such as Junie B. Jones and also the Magic Treehouse books. Books became easier to read as I aged and the books I read were getting bigger and bigger. In 5th and 6th grade I read The Red Pyramid, The Throne of Fire, and The Serpents Shadow, a trilogy called The Kane Chronicles written by Rick Riordan. I thought these three books were the greatest three books ever written! I even thought they were better than the hunger games! Especially with the series being based around Egyptian gods and theology, and also managed to tie in kids around my age that I could relate to. Those books made me love reading more than I ever have and I would read them again if I had the time to. Once 8th grade came out along I decided to read a “big boy” book: DaVinci Code by Dan Brown. I thought I was so cool because I was reading a book that my parents have read. It has been the best book I have yet to read so far because it sparked my interest from the first sentence, to the last, there was intense suspense throughout the whole book and I could nonstop
In high school, I did not appreciate the stories that I was forced to read. I could not see how I could relate to any of the characters I read about. It was not until I experienced real life and its tragedies, that I gained an appreciation and understanding of certain stories and the characters in them. In my own life...
The first beloved books in my life were the Sesame Street Encyclopedia volumes. At three, I wasn't old enough to read them, but I always wanted to have them read to me. In fact, I memorized the ten volume set so when my parents would skip some pages I would ask them to read what they skipped. After learning to read on my own, my favorite book became the anatomy volume in the Charlie Brown Encyclopedia. Courtesy of a supermarket book offer, I was the only kindergartner who knew about fertilized egg cells. As I grew older, I continued to read largely because reading taught me so much outside of what we learned in school.
My whole life I have never been the greatest at reading, but I have always tried to improve and push myself to do better. Reading and writing areis twoone of the needs of daily life. With that being said, you can conclude that I have always struggled. My problem was I always read too fast through the books or writing prompts, and I never remembered what I had read. But, with help I overcame my problems and started getting better at reading and writing.
My achievement of becoming literate in both English and Spanish, after overcoming a myriad of obstacles distinguishes my literacy history. Writing was one of the things I didn’t like to do as a child. I always thought writing was a waste of time and that I wasn’t going to need it in life. Even though I didn’t invest much time writing, I was one of the best writers in all my classes, probably because I was very dedicated in the other subjects and I loved reading adventure books. I learned how to read and write by the age of four, since in my native country “the Dominican Republic”, kids are enrolled in school at the age of three; usually parents start their child’s education at home before that age.
I would only read books that were required for class, and even then I usually would not finish them. Reading was never something that I liked. When I got into high school, I started reading books for fun a little more than before. I was always a Harry Potter fan but since I did not like to read I only watched the movies. I remember reading those books and actually liking them. My junior year was also a time in my reading history that I remember well. As a class we were reading the Great Gatsby in time to see the movie for the midnight premier. Each day we were instructed to read up to a certain page, no further. I did not like the book at first, just like any other book I was forced to read for school. But, one night I was reading and the book got so interesting for me I could not put it down. That was the first book in along time that I enjoyed reading that was assigned to me. After my junior year, I went right back to my old ways of not reading books. My senior year I took AP English, so this required a lot of books. Thinking back to that year of school I remember finishing maybe one or two of those books. Although, I didn’t read all of those books, I still got a good grade in the class. One thing I did learn from that class about not reading all the books was reading the summaries is not good enough because, they leave out all the
I never had problems being able to read, I just felt like there was so many other fun things to do besides reading. I was never the kid that had a bunch of action figures and toys. I liked to build things out of Legos, K-nex, and Steel Tec. Then I got into the more skilled of building model cars and planes. Most of all I mainly enjoyed being outside as much as I could or tinkering with something. Aside from school, I have been a gear head for as long as I can remember. Anything that was motorized or had something to do with a motor has always sparked my interests. I have been riding dirt bikes since I was 5 years old, and nothing compared to being on my motorcycle. That is when I really knew I was not partial to reading. My mother worked in the motocross industry and my father rode dirt bikes too. Riding and being in the woods was a big part of my life, as that was what we did every weekend for
All I could remember on my journey to literacy was my concern over my brother and sister’s ability to read and write including solving math problems. That did not really motivate not to become literate; I was extremely playful as a child. What I am able to remember is my first day of school, I cried like a baby when my mom dropped me off. I soon began to grow out of my baby stage and school became really interesting. Even though it was not as hard as it is now, the value that pushed me to be literate was how my teacher was able to discipline students if they didn’t give the best to their education.
No one can truly say that they do not like to read, because if you do not like to read that just means that you have not found the right book for you. I have never been a fan of reading, growing up I would only read when I was forced to. When I found that one author I learned that it is not that I did not enjoy reading, it is that I never found the author that spoke to me.
Many summer reading books are just uninteresting; so for me reading then became a chore that I was being forced to do. I already had a negative experience with being embarrassed while reading, so then to get one boring book after the other just solidified that reading was not enjoyable. Other than bad summer reading books I was just a very active child, I enjoyed running around and playing sports. I did not have the patience as a child to read, I always wanted to be on the go.
I also remember as young girl learning how to read and my favorite book that I could quote word for word was “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr.Suess. I loved that book so much I still have that today. As I got older my love for reading and books started to diminish, I went to a private school for my elementary years and their curriculum was very intense. It was required to read a book from their approved list and complete a book report each summer before the school year began. Not to mention the numerous books reports I would have to complete during the school. At an early age books and reading was something I had to do and not what I wanted to do.
Reading was never something I fussed about growing up. As a child, I loved genres of realistic fiction. I was hooked on The New Adventures of Mary Kate and Ashley, Goosebumps, The Amazing Days of Abby Hayes, Judy Moody, and especially, Zoobooks and Highlights magazines. My mother was always ready to help build my reading and writing skills. She took me to the library constantly to feed my passion for books and knowledge. I loved exploring the shelfs, organizing the books, and filling up my library cart. I tried keeping a diary in elementary school to keep track of my outings with my parents and grandparents to museums, zoos, movies, and libraries. This flash of writing enthusiasm was spun from books I read in the 4th and 5th grade that were
There are many different types of events that shape who we are as writers and how we view literacy. Reading and writing is viewed as a chore among a number of people because of bad experiences they had when they were first starting to read and write. In my experience reading and writing has always been something to rejoice, not renounce, and that is because I have had positive memories about them.
My teacher, Ms. Peshca, came to a conclusion to that she didn’t know what to do or how to explain to me what’s the importance of reading. Ms. Peshca would send me to another reading teacher, and she would try to explain things better than her. Ms. Bell would sit me down and go through different books with me. I wasn’t interested in books that were my age appropriate. I started reading books that were not friendly with age group.