Surviving the Band's Destructive Crescendo

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Being in band and playing music is beautiful, peaceful, and deadly. I will never forget that day when the band went rouge. They destroyed everything in their path. No one made it out… except me. 1 Day Earlier… “Ok band, let’s head outside for marching band!” yelled the band teacher. “A flat, E flat and F sharp, A flat, E flat, and F sharp, A flat,” “Would you stop! That’s annoying!” I said. “Well if you want to get a good grade in band Hunter, then you have to know the right notes!” Alex told me. I only took band this year so I would get out of music class. That was the WORST class ever. I play the Baritone. Ya that big thing smaller from the other bigger thing called a tuba I think? I really don’t pay that close attention in this …show more content…

And hurting people.” “Yes! Look what a flute did to my arm!” a girl said in the band. Their was a circular patch of red that had no flesh on it. It has ripped a patch of flesh right of the arm of a girl. “So you’re saying, we have to be careful with the bells and certain openings of certain instruments?” “YES! And you have to help us Hunter! We don’t know what to do!” the band teacher told me. “Ok I will help. But on one condition. You will give me the right to not play, playing quizzes.” “Deal! Now will you help us?” Alex told me. “Ok game plan, we fight the instruments.” I told everyone. “Um… no.” some of the girls said. “Ok then, anyone else have any good ideas?” “Hunter you know how everyone plays the write notes all the time. Well the instruments are used to playing the write notes so if we play the wrong notes we might have a chance of winning this battle!” Alex said. “Ok everyone pick and instrument that isn’t alive and try not to pick the instrument that you have been playing this whole time and, we'll, start playing!” “Another one down. Hunter people are getting killed with this plan!” Alex said with panic “It will be fine as long as the band teacher doesn't get eaten we are

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