Personal Narrative: Losing My Son

659 Words2 Pages

Michelle Iffert Iffert 1
ENC 1101
Mrs. Guy
A1 Narration/Description Thesis statement
Losing my son was the most significant thing to happen in my life. Losing my son was the most significant thing to happen in my life. He was killed in a car accident five years ago. I was adopted and had always felt the desire to be a mother. Now I had to find a reason to go on with my life, a reason to start over. My desire to move forward was stronger than my need to stay stuck in grief. So I made the decision to move to Florida and to go back to school.

As long as I can remember I wanted to be a mother. It was my dream to have a child. To teach, mold and shape another human being into a caring, compassionate productive member of society. I …show more content…

He may have fallen asleep, but we will never know for sure. He was hit by a car and it made his car spin around and then was hit by another car. Eventually this caused his car to flip, and he ended up in a ditch. The next few hours were the most horrific moments of his life, and also of my life. When I arrived at the emergency room I was told that he was still alive, but his condition didn’t look good. After hours of trying to save his leg it was eventually was amputated. He had swelling in his brain and they had to restart his heart. I was completely devastated, and there was nothing to do but wait and pray that he would make it. My entire world changed in those twelve hours. Everything I ever hoped for and dreamed of was slipping away. I would never get to see my son graduate college, get married or have children. My reason for living was gone and I didn’t completely understand why or how this could

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