Personal Narrative-High School Debate

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The click of my heels echoed upon the worn, tiled floor of the unfamiliar high school. The lone sound made the dim, empty hallway feel even more dreary. Here I was—sister of a renowned debater—after the loss of another debate round. I was nowhere closer to qualifying for TFA (Texas Forensic Association) state than I was the week before. I was dejected and jaded. Every debate round had started to blend together lately. “There’s always next week,” my debate coach, Beard, told me with a disappointed pat on the back. I walked past him and avoided his gaze as tears began to well in my eyes. I looked down at decrepit floor as I plodded away from him. I was never good enough. I wasn’t even sure if I liked debate anymore. So why was I still doing it? I shook the thought away. I couldn't let my coach and my brother down. I would qualify for state, but still I would never be an elite in debate like my brother. I would never be him, even though we had been compared to each other since I first learned to talk. …show more content…

I thought about that inquiry as the week wore on. Eventually, the next debate tournament rolled and I qualified for TFA state. After my qualifying round, I practically skipped to my coach in joy and told him the news. I had actually done something successful in debate! But, it still didn’t feel right to me. At that moment all I could think about was how much I loathed debate; it was stressful and had made my cry on numerous occasions. I was only joyous because I made my coach, not myself, proud. I didn’t love debate; I loved the

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