Personal Narrative Essay: The Prison Escape

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The Prison Escape

There were two men who were framed of murder and have been sended to jail one of them was named Weasel and his buddy named Hank. The person who framed them are unknown, and no one will believe them and when they tried to say it wasn’t them. They would be in jail for 40 years and when years have past they would be 60 years old.Weasel and Hank did not want to spend their youth in jail. So what Weasel said to Hank “Hey Hank we have to escape the prison and find prove that we are innocent.” Hank replied “ Yes but how do we escape?” Weasel replied “I don’t have an idea yet, we have to study the area first.” So as they study the the giant prison that was surrounded by the ocean. They have been building a boat in secret and making …show more content…

Weasel took out his weapon but it wasn’t any ordinary weapon it was rare knife and it was very sharp and can cut skin very easily, so fat guy decided to just to give up so he could live to fight another day. So then comes the last guy and he was really buff and was scary looking so what they did is weasel threw the knife at him and hank was running behind the knife, and the buff guy dodged the knife but hank tackled him hard to the ground and the knife had hit the right in the arm and was on the floor bleeding next to his teammate so hank and weasel went after the police and took them to a room where they wouldn't be caught so they knocked them both out and healed the other one so they wouldn’t be leaving evidence. So they took their clothes and put them on as well as their ID and badge. And know they went to the gate asked for a boat and they got a helicopter instead, so they went on and arrived in california to find the people who framed them for murder. Hank said “we're here now let’s look for them now so we turn them in.” As they were looking for the house they would stop by a store to get some snacks. And Weasel said, “we are almost to the house they should be there.” Hank was taking a long time in

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