Essay On My Cousin Vinny Murder Case

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In the movie My Cousin Vinny, Vinny Gambini is set on a journey to prove his cousin and his friend innocent of a murder case. Bill and Stan are on a road trip to California to the University of California, Los Angeles, where they receive a scholarship to attend the university. On the way there they stop at a convenient store to buy some necessities for the trip. Their hands were full of food and drinks, when Bill put the can of tuna in his jacket because there was no way he couldn’t carry any more food.
Once they paid for the necessities they were back on the road. Bill realize he didn’t pay for the can of tuna and notice a sheriff car following them. The lights went off and the sheriff pulled them over. They were taking to the station for questioning of a murder. The whole time while being questioned, they both thought they were be accused of shoplifting. Once they realized what was happening, that’s when Bill’s cousin came to defend them.
In this case, Vinny had to learn as he goes because he had never been in a real trial hearing before. Vinny was a personal injury lawyer in New York. During this case there were three eye witness saying that Bill and Stan were the criminals, who murdered …show more content…

There were some parts that seems a like unrealistic but this is a movie. Some of things were that would happen in a real life case would be witnesses testimony, questioning, and experts on stand. Also all of the researcher that happened outside of the courthouse would also occur before or during trial. Overall the movie, My Cousin Vinny was a good reputation of what a defense attorney, prosecutor, and judge’s duties are like. Each one of these roles were protrude and were a reasonable example of the job’s responsibilities. Also movie provided what witness have to endure during a hearing or trial. This movie is a more humorous way to learn about the process of a

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