Personal Narrative Essay: The Moment Of Life

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Every moment of life is a precious thing, many people in this world don’t think about it, and I was one of the worst ones. I used to take everything for granted. I would wake up and not think about the little stuff I had and that I should appreciate. One morning after I made one little mistake everything would change. It was just like any other morning, I woke up, ate breakfast, got dressed, did my hair and makeup and then hopped in my pickup to drive the 45-minute road from Adel to Lakeview to get school. I was on time and not in any rush, it was cold but the roads were clear so I was driving around 55 MPH. I came around a corner where there was a straight away right on the other side and in the blink of an eye everything changed. I hit black ice, all remember is my pickup started fish tailing and before I knew I had completely lost control. The pickup began to roll and due to me being careless and not putting my seat belt on I was ejected from my driver window. I remember waking up on the ground, looking up at my pickup and just thinking to myself “What just happened?” I stood up thinking nothing was wrong and immediately began searching for my cell phone which had been thrown out as well. Before I could find it a lady in a red car pulled up and she immediately called 911 which upset …show more content…

By that time, I had an x-ray and a cat scan done I was just waiting to hear what was going on. Shortly after that I learned that my neck was broken and what I thought was just a small cut on my back had to have 37 stitches. It was at that moment I felt like my heart had stopped and this was all from one stupid mistake, not putting my seatbelt on. My basketball season was over and I can’t even explain the sickness in my stomach I get even just thinking about it. The next six weeks were the hardest of my life. I couldn’t do anything and it was so hard. I am a very active person so it was a very rough

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