Personal Narrative Essay: My Baking Nightmare

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My Baking Nightmare

Everyone has had at least one not so good baking or cooking experience. Even the best chefs and bakers in the world have had not so good experiences when working. Mine happened at the begging of the summer of my last year of high school. In Washington State you are required to do a senior project. I wanted to do mine on baking, I wanted to become a pastry chef so I decided to do mine on cupcake decorating. I was really excited to do it but was nervous because I haven’t done very much baking so I wasn’t sure if I would even want to become a pastry chef by the time I was done doing my senior project. The first day of starting my senior project I decided that I would make chocolate mint cupcakes for my step-dads birthday. …show more content…

I didn’t really think about at that moment. Ken came in and asked what I did with the cupcakes and I said I put them into the oven. He then told me that because of all the crap that’s in there that the smell would soak into the cupcakes witch would not be a good thing. I opened the oven, I only had one town so I couldn’t take it out I took them out a little then went to grabbed another towel. The cupcake tine wasn’t even so then right as I got the towel the pan tipped over and spilled all over the oven door and floor. Ken came in and saw and wasn’t really mad, he did get mad when he went to get the towel all wet and there was a bunch of dishes in the sink. That’s when he got all up set. I just stood there speechless and helpless. I felt horrible and ken yelled at me to get more towels and so I did. After we finished cleaning we put the stove on self-clean so it can get rid of the plastic, meat, blood, and any batter that we didn’t get. By the time my mother got home from the store the stove was all clean and then I could preheat the oven once again. After I started the oven I went off to remake the batter one last time. This time I was really cautious and did everything somewhat slowly so I wouldn’t mess anything up again. I got the cupcakes in the oven and finally I was done all I had to do was just wait for the …show more content…

I got some chocolate and put them in to a microwave safe bowl and put it in the microwave for about 20 seconds. Everything went fine then I did it again and the microwave was making weird popping noises and you could see some sparks of light. I open the microwave door and took the bowl out and got a huge whiff of a weird unpleased burnt smell. My mom came in and smelt it to and asked what happened I told her and she looked at the microwave and it basically exploded. We weren’t sure if it did it because of what I was doing or if it did it because it was time for it to die. Thankfully the chocolate was melted enough that I was able to pipe out happy birthday Ken. The piping part wasn’t that bad but I defiantly needed to practice more if I wanted to do it again and give them out to people. After I was done piping them I put them in the freezer so they could harden I made sure I made extra letters in case the letters break when I’m trying to put them into the frosting. Thankfully that didn’t happen and I got them all standing up straight and perfectly fine without any

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