Personal Narrative Essay: Martin Luther King Jr.

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Martin Luther King Jr. once said “The time is always right to do what is right,” and he is definitely correct. I always like to try something different and have always been interested in events of the past, like 9/11, slaves, everything like that, and I love to help people. With that in mind, my aunt and uncle made that happen. They set up a day to clean graves, but they weren’t just any graves. I thought they were graves of people who had been slaves. It was Martin Luther King day of service. My cousins didn’t have school because in Georgia they have the day off, expected to do community service. We had woken up earlier than normal, so we could get to the place we were needed to check in and pick where we wanted to help that day. After my family and I had eaten and gotten dressed, we realized it was very cold outside for Georgia, about 50 degrees. It wasn’t as cold as Iowa, but definitely cold for being in Georgia. My family who was going, my aunt, uncle, cousin who was five, along with my mom and two sisters, Bridget and Ainsley, walked out the heavy black door with a beep when the door opened, leaving my grandparents, other aunt uncle, along with my three year old cousin at home. We piled …show more content…

Right after we found the gym, my uncle, Aarron, needed to sign us in, in order for us to pick what graveyard we were going to go to. Since my cousin was so young we couldn’t help clean the graveyards that were split by a very busy road, possibly a highway. He decided to pick one that was on the same block as a school, the only thing between the two was a fence and lots of trees. Across the gym where from we were standing, there was a table that had blue shirts. Olivier told his dad, “I want a shirt!” With that being said, my uncle asked us to take him over to the

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