Personal Narrative Essay About Swimming

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The Struggle I left the cool air conditioned building and looked up, seeing the blazing red sun beating down on my dark tan skin. Walking on the pool deck, I then overlooked my 8 foot lifeguard chair. I then climbed up the ladder steps with caution. Next I ruffled through my long brown hair surfer hair to make it easier to see with no hair in my way. It was a summer day with plenty of people around the large pool. I saw children running around the slippery pool deck and yelled “WALK!” After, I continued on scanning the pool deck making sure that everyone was was walking and being safe.
The swim tryouts were going to begin in 30 minutes and I was suppose to watch over the swimmers. The children started coming into the pool deck and getting …show more content…

I was in a t-shirt, swim trunks, and slippers. My shirt was gray and my slippers were as black as the night sky. It was foggy that day with small droplets of water coming from the darkened sky. The trunks were a little long for they were my brothers. Water rushed over my body as I jumped in and it felt like the Ocean Blue. The water in the pool was as cold as the Arctic Ocean. I thought to myself I am not ready for this tryout I am too fat for this. I first started swimming butterfly stroke which made my arms tired as if they were logs floating on water. After that I started doing the backstroke and started feeling my legs starting to give out. I then thought to myself I just finished my 50 yards and 50 more to go. I felt all my muscles start to contract and tighten up. My veins then started to pop and give out. I had to start resting on every wall that I reached to catch my breath. I started backstroke which was the most confident stroke I was able to do. Backstroke was my fastest stroke and it felt like I could do this forever, but then I reached the wall and had to do freestyle. Freestyle was the stroke I hated the most. It was even worst while out of breath and no energy in my body. I started freestyle with the last amount of energy I had. I reached one-fourth the way for the 25 yards and thought to myself, this is the last 25 I need to do. After thinking that I pushed myself and kept on swimming. My arms during freestyle felt like weights in the water. I had just reached the wall and thought to myself, thank goodness I have finished my tryouts. All that mattered now was the coach's decisions if I made the team or not. The coach spoke “George you have worked hard to achieve this moment but i’m afraid you did not make the swim team.” At the moment I heard this I got angry. I said to myself I worked this hard for nothing. I was furious with myself and the coach

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