Personal Narrative Essay: A Teacher To Remember

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A Teacher to Remember
Whenever I would walk into my high school, it was almost always the same scene; students gathered in their groups of friends catching up from the last time they saw each other, and often our principles standing just inside the lobby drinking their morning coffee and greeting students as they arrived. However, as I walked into my high school on that very first day of my sophomore year, what I also noticed was that some students were already complaining about a teacher they had that trimester, and it made me wonder why. Was it the way the teacher taught? Or did it have something to do with the teacher’s personality? After considering these questions, I realized I was sort of dreading a couple of teachers’ classes I had that year as well, but I also quickly realized that Mrs. Nasson was one of those teachers that I very rarely heard anything negative about, and I soon realized how extraordinary of a teacher she really is and how lucky I was to …show more content…

Nasson was on the first day of my sophomore year as I walked into my economics class. I was sort of dreading the class as it was something required of us to take, and to be honest, I thought it sounded quite boring. But as soon as I walked into that classroom that morning, my feelings quickly changed. It didn’t take me long to realize why my friends gave her so much praise when they found out I had her for a teacher that trimester. Mrs. Nasson is one of those people who always has a smile on her face, which is the first thing I noticed when I walked into her classroom that morning. With it being the first day of the school year, most of us were super tired and I’m sure that was obvious by the looks on our faces, but she just seemed so positive and happy that she was almost glowing. She truly loves teaching, and I could instantly see that by her heartwarming expression. I think it all cheered us up a bit to have that experience to start the day; it was such a welcoming

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