Personal Narrative: Divorce

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I’ve been utterly alone in a sea of people before. In my mind, even though there are people all around me, something is separating me from them. A wall my anxiety has conjured to keep me from letting people into my life. Whether it be because I’m new or feel like I can’t relate to those around me, it’s present. Every time I came close to another person, there was something blocking me from creating a deeper connection with them. This wall was built near the end of school last year when my parents were figuring out they would both be in a better situation without each other. It took them an extremely long time to come to this realization. Like every other kid in a divorce, I was pushed aside. Their actions weren’t intentional, and I don’t hold it against them, but I felt alone most of the time. I rarely left my room. While doing my homework, I would turn up the music in my earbuds as loud as I could stand it so I wouldn’t hear them fighting. I would find something to do at night to avoid my step dad, who was my father figure for 13 years, because I didn’t …show more content…

I still went to the old house everyday, but I had a daily routine I followed. First, I would go to school in the mornings. Then, I rode the bus home to an empty house. I wouldn’t have been by myself if my step dad hadn’t been out and about every night. After a few hours at “home,” my mom would pick me up to sleep at a family friend’s house once she got off work. School wasn’t much better. I had friends who would have been willing to help me, if I had let them in. They had been leaving me pretty quickly due to a rumour which was being spread around school. This showed me nobody was truly on my side. I didn’t bother my mom with my insignificant problems with school since she had plenty on her own plate. My step dad was seldom around. My friends had no idea what I was going through. I was alone. On the last day of school I had to tell them I was moving- and

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