Personal Narrative Essay: Moving To Mexico

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I have always believed that obstacles are the keys that open the locks that life displays every day, whether they are insignificant or an enormous burden on your back. Just as everybody else, I have undergone a few obstacles, but the most challenging complication I have encountered was when I moved to the United States and had to leave everything I established and faced in Mexico. I was born in the United States, but I was raised in Mexico my entire life. Therefore, when I eventually moved to the United States to benefit from the enhanced quality of life and education, it meant an immense adjustment for me. However, I did not permit the changes to affect my persona, my goals, and everything I had accomplished until that point. When I was younger, I moved into my uncle's house by myself, since my parents were not present because they had to stay in Mexico. The truth is that I knew my uncles, since I would see them at family reunions every now and then, but I never …show more content…

Their house was very unfamiliar, it did not feel like home nor provided the sense of security that I needed at the time, and to be honest I broke down the first couple of weeks because the atmosphere that I would feel around the house was quite strange and unwelcoming. The fact that I did not have my parents with me made me feel miserable and vulnerable, I never experienced those feelings inside of me, I did not how to react, and the only solution I found practical was to shut down my emotions. Do not misunderstand me, I would talk to my parents on the phone every day, but as you may know it is not the same as to interact with them physically, and to have them in front of you. Before moving in with my uncles, I guess I did not realize how valuable my parents were to me, I thought I was independent from them, since, until that point, I was able to manage my problems by myself without needing their

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