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Camp Texas is an experience that I would love to have the opportunity to attend. I live with my grandmother who has raised me since I was 2 years old. She supports me any way she can whether it be emotionally, financially, mentally, etc…. She has been my only base of support and without her I truly don’t know where I would be at today. Growing up I always had my 3 sisters to play with, talk to, and keep me company. The hard reality just hit me, that in a few months I will no longer have them to confide in daily and I will be losing my support system. It will be up to me to make the right choices and while I will be able to call them, nothing beats a nice, warm hug. I will be alone in this cold, hard world. Growing up in a small town provides you with a close knit community which can be a good or bad thing when you think about it. Growing up, everyone knows everyone and we all attend the same school from elementary all the way up to high school. Although this has provided me with some close friendships, it has limited my viewpoints on other things and it has no allowed me to spread my wings and discover myself. …show more content…
I want to try to meet new people who aren’t close-minded and who will allow me to state my opinion even when they don’t agree with what I’m saying. I want to expand some of my views and become more open to ideas and other morals/cultures. I have had the same routine since I was little, go to school, talk to the same friends, see the same people in the stores, I’m ready for a change and diversity. I believe that if I attend Camp Texas it would allow me to have a smoother transition from a small town to a big
She doesn't really care for camping; she'd rather be at home watching TV. She goes because my dad likes to once in a while. I, on the other hand, love to camp and adore being out in the nature.
El Paso, Texas is a relatively large city with a small town attitude. It is one of those cities that grows on you. I embrace the laid back lifestyle and bi-cultural environment - it’s given me an opportunity to develop a unique bicultural identity that influences my motivation to succeed. Especially, being the daughter of an immigrant that upholds Mexican culture. The majority of the population is hispanic, which gave me the sense of mexican traditions that I would share with my family in Mexico. Growing up bilingual ironically provided me comfort in the community. Also, the efforts of the community are being made to modernize and improve the city.
Imagine your hometown, a small, affluent community where everyone knows each other. This small community is where many of your childhood friends and some of your family also reside. If you left your hometown for a two-year period to go into the military, to go to college, to travel the world, or just to experience life somewhere else, how would you expect your friends and family to treat you when you arrived home after a two-year period? Would you expect a warm welcome from your love ones, would you expect to be able to share your experiences, or major events that took place in your life? Would you expect that everyone has changed at least a little bit, and you have changed somewhat as well? I definitely would not expect or would not want my friends and family to reject me, because I had changed due to my life experiences outside our sma...
Camping is a fun activity for friends and family, that’s the time where they share their memories, and also make new ones. On the other hand, camping is when people are trying to stay off the rain, and wild animals form attacking them. That’s when camping is a time their lives depends on it. The article “Camping for their lives” by Scott Bransford talk about small and big cities that is over populated with homeless citizens. The article talks about what is happening in the scene, and what they have to face each and everyday order to survive.
The Two Methods of Camping and Which Is Better There are two ways that families or individuals camp. One way is permanent camping, and the other is transient camping. Permanent camping is exactly as it sounds. A camper is placed on a purchased or borrowed lot at a campground and is left there year-round. Transient camping is when one takes a camper with them to a campground and then takes the camper back home after he or she is done. Not all campgrounds have the option of going permanent; in fact most campgrounds only allow transient camping. There are advantages and disadvantages to both, but which is the best? Well, that's just a matter of opinion. Transient Camping Let's start with transient camping. Transient camping is extremely common
I have had the dream of becoming a veterinarian, since I found a kitten tangled up, in my worn out soccer net, and rescued it from the fate of death. However, I remain unsure if being a veterinarian is really the right career path for myself. By hopefully attending the Boiler Vet Camp I would have a better idea of what it entails to be a
Have you ever been to Texas? I have been once. My trip to Texas was unbelievably awesome. I saw many of things on my way there. While we were there, I had loads of fun. Many things happened while we were there. Texas was the coolest place I have ever been.
Growing up was easy for me, but then again I always felt like I never belonged anywhere and I couldn’t ever figure it out. I’m now in my mid 20’s starting to finally get my life in order by finishing school in the spring. I go home on the weekends and hang out with my friends back home occasionally. I fit in but not quite; I come back to Kean and see some Brothers of LSU and the Associates and feel like I fit.
Living and growing up in a small town is better than doing so in a big city.
Advantages to growing up in an urban environment include a greater chance of mixing cultures and developing relationships with people from different backgrounds. This is due to the sheer amount of different cultures available in an urban environment. The advantages of a rural environment may not include as diverse a background but quality relationships can still be found. The disadvantages to either environment can be found in human nature. For example, even in a diverse environment where people come from different backgrounds people will still segregate themselves into different groups, if not by color than by wealth, religious beliefs, sports affiliation, academic ability or
When we had to leave I was pretty upset about it because we had to leave the only home I had known in America and the government made all of the people of Japanese decent go to interment camps. We were being kicked out of our house because the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, I understand that the government is scared but we live here America is our home sending all of us to camps is absurd but people do crazy things when they are concerned for their safety. I tried to keep things that I felt were important but when I had to the items in my car I realized that I do not have the room for all of the stuff I wanted to keep so I decided to sell my nice blue and white china set which could of easily been 200 dollars, since there were a lot of people
The camp offers, what they call, “Interest groups”, which allows campers to pick activities they want to try out for a week. The second week I was there, I signed up
"Hey, be careful and don't do anything stupid," my dad said to me right before I hopped into Chase Miller's dark blue Chevy S-10 with a camper shell on the back. I looked at Chase and Tyler Becker and said, "Let's go camping." As Chase pushed down the gas pedal, a big cloud of black smoke shot out of the back of the truck and the smell of burning motor oil filled the cab.
On the other hand the neighborhood I live in now isn’t much of a neighborhood at all, it’s just a street that has multiple apartment buildings. I feel more as though my apartment complex is an entire neighborhood in itself than my street or my town actually is. There’s also upsides to a living so close to your neighbors such as you’re able to ask them for anything you might need and you’re able to get to know them on a more personal level. In my other neighborhood we also knew each other, but people didn’t seem to see each other as often or interact as much because everybody was so distant from each
Having a small community gives you the chance to know everyone, even teachers you do not have you still feel a connection to. The teachers in a small school care about you even if you are not their student. They will care when you are going through a hard time or help you celebrate when you are succeeding in life. All the kids in the school have a learning difference, so everyone has a rough understanding of what you are going through on a daily basis. Having teachers at a small school who want to stay in contact with you can help you with your transitions to high school and college. That gives you the safety of knowing you have other people to talk about your experience and ask questions. The teachers also stay in contact with you throughout your whole life. For example, my seventh and eighth grade teacher has helped me find a summer time job and is someone I can put down as a reference. Teachers in a school that teach children who have learning differences have pictures and plants in the hallway so the hallway is not boring. This is also true in the classroom. Teachers can also have pictures, plants and their favorite sports team gear hanging up. My history teacher had a Packers flag hanging in his classroom because he was a Packers fan. The idea for a student to have a dean who has big muscles, bald head, loud voice, and really frightening looking does not appeal to many students who have learning