Personal Narrative: My First American Interment Camps

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When we had to leave I was pretty upset about it because we had to leave the only home I had known in America and the government made all of the people of Japanese decent go to interment camps. We were being kicked out of our house because the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, I understand that the government is scared but we live here America is our home sending all of us to camps is absurd but people do crazy things when they are concerned for their safety. I tried to keep things that I felt were important but when I had to the items in my car I realized that I do not have the room for all of the stuff I wanted to keep so I decided to sell my nice blue and white china set which could of easily been 200 dollars, since there were a lot of people …show more content…

He didn’t listen to me and later that afternoon came back in a dark blue sedan. all of our things wouldn’t fit in the car at once so he had to take 3 trips. Me, May and Jeanne were in the car for the first trip with the dishes lamps and bedding, we also had a mattress strapped to the top of the car. The car would break down a lot and my husband would go out there and see what was wrong and fixed it, He would curse, kick, slam the hood in rage. Once he hit the car with his cane and that hit started the car. I was worried about my family because of all the hate people like us were getting. Once one of my daughters asked me " Why do they hate us?" I said " I don’t understand all the hate in the world.". When we left we had no where to leave but the American Friends Service (they also helped us when we got kicked out of terminal island) helped us find and move into a housing area built by the government for workers. The house had 3 rooms, a stove which meant that I could finally cook and a indoor toliet! When we flushed the toilet for the first time we hooted and hollered with delight! One day I went to go pick up the kitchenware and some silverware I left with some neighbors and then went to a ware house to where I stored some furniture, appliances, and more of my

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