Personal History Reflection Paper

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As I sit here and reflect on my personal history, there are many circumstances and events that come to mind that all had a largely positive effect on me and the way I view the world. To start from the beginning, I was born in Anaheim Hills, California nearly 26 years ago as my parents’ last child. Although I did not feel the way at the time, I now consider myself extremely lucky to have had two older brothers to look up to and learn from my entire life. Over time, I have expanded on this by gaining a better understanding of just how fortunate my family and I actually are as I have continued to broaden my cultural knowledge and experience. Looking back on my childhood, it would be fairly accurate to say that I was sheltered from many realities …show more content…

Now living in an area not only more racially and ethnically diverse than my hometown, but with a far larger socioeconomic gap as well, I saw yet another side of human life that shed light on the reality lived by so many people. While I lived in my fraternity house deep in a low income area of Long Beach, my interaction with the community around me was life changing. Passing homeless people, gang members, and drug addicts on the street among other struggling, hard working people every day showed me for the first time what my parents had been telling me when I was younger. My first time seeing the look on someone’s face whose only concern was where their next meal was going to come from, or where they were going to sleep that night was chilling, but one that ended up opening my mind and making me a better person in the process of developing my understanding. In addition, this was also the first time in my life being exposed to drastically different political opinions as I interacted with the members of my fraternity and the people in my classes. My interactions within these settings helped form my belief as well in that both provided safe and respectful environments for everybody to express their views, but in the end, put aside any differences in order to come together as friends and

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