Personal Experience: My Journey To Becoming An Adult

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When I first started the semester about four to five months ago, I still had the mindset of a teenager. I had to realize that this is not high school anymore it is college. Unfortunately, that came with a price to pay early into the semester. My grades began to start slipping. Everything started to go down the hill quickly. I brought this upon myself, and it was my job to fix this. I had to learn how to get out of the teenage mindset and transition to become an adult. That is what was blocking my way to becoming the person I wanted to be.
At first, it was not easy to overcome these obstacles. Something like that does not happen overnight, it was going to take some time. At this point, I was still focused too much on my job and video games. I had to put one of those two things off to the side for the time being. I ended up putting the video games away for a while and lowered my hours at work from twenty-five to around sixteen. It …show more content…

In between classes I had plenty of time to do work, but I spent the time playing games or goofing off. That was not helping my case in being productive at all. So, in between classes, I would head to the library and sit in there for an hour at a time and work on assignments that I had. If I didn’t have any assignments I would study for an upcoming test. Also, there is another thing that would constantly get in the way of my study habits and be paying attention in class. That would be my Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD for short. My ADHD is very bad, and I noticed it in high school and took some medicine for it. Ever since I got into college though I stopped taking it and that is what derailed me. Since I was going to start taking my medicine again, which is called Vyvanse, I needed to start now. Once someone takes this capsule for a little bit and then stops for a while and picks it back up again, some serious side effects take

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