Personal Essay: Why Veterans Day Is Important To Me

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To me, Veterans Day is an important holiday because it bring attention to those who deserve it most yet get overlooked. I feel that any person willing to put their life on the line or in stressful, complicated circumstances for the betterment of others deserves praise. In my opinion, veterans are the unsung heros of this nation and stand as inspirations to all, including myself. Just a little insight on myself, because it fun and entertaining to hear about others and their lives, I am a seventeen year old senior attending Grace M. Davis High School. I have thought about going into the military because it seems like a good way to challenge myself but instead I have chose to apply to the top California universities; I really like UC Santa Barbara, Irvine, and Santa Cruz and hope to get some type of biology degree. I really enjoy arts and crafts, specifically acrylic painting. I have a siamese cat named Rascal Cat Fish who is sixteen years old and my best friend (I have other, human friends don’t worry). Just for a visual, because it's fun to try to imagine a human writing this rather than just staring at text, I am a female of average height with light brown hair and eyes who wears sweats on a daily basis. I also have a portion of the bottom left side of my shoulder length hair bleached white because I like asymmetry. Others tell me I have a boisterous, compassionate, and courageous personality and I would describe myself as open minded, ‘hippy-dippy’, and …show more content…

We stand with you and salute you for all that you have done. P.S. I would love to hear back from you to catch a glimpse of what you think about what your service has stood for, its impact on you, and your thoughts and experiences with other societies (send your letter to the school address above). If you respond, make sure to describe yourself, your personality and everything that makes you you, a.k.a an individual human and not just a sheet of

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