Personal Essay On Success: A Definition Of Success

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Christopher Rosas 2/8/14 English 010 Success To most of us, they say they can spot success at first glance. Generally by the car one drives or how one is dressed. Some might see it by how healthy or how happy one feels. Merriam Webster's Dictionary states that success is “the fact of getting wealth, respect, or fame.” If one where to adopt this definition of success, one might go on to living a life of materialism. This mindset is deceitful and will only reward you with short term happiness, like a drug addict searching for a quick fix. For one to be ultimately successful, one must be able to overcome hardships and possess qualities like integrity, pride and patience which no amount of money in the world could buy. These qualities will make anyone strive in most, if not all the difficult obstacles one must face in life. Most of us go through difficulties, either they be family orientated, be financially based or even with ourselves but, to take hardships and look at them in a positive way is, an attribute that can make anyone successful. Failure is not the end but the beginning of a life lesson. Some of us have setbacks but to remind oneself their only minor setbacks and look at difficulties in a positive manner is a key to success. Obstacles should never deter ones decisions in life either but should be their for encouragement and set a limit to over achieve. One must have the courage to face problems instead of negating or dwelling on them. Learning how to manage those difficulties in a positive manner and overcome those hardships can help become successful. When one has obtain the amount of wealth in order to buy the things they adore like their favorite car and the clothes they like that is one certain type of succes... ... middle of paper ... ...pparent reason is not the patience that one should accept, but one should be patient for certain things like a Master's Degree or a higher position at work. Like the earlier example of one who where to obtain wealth through illegal activities. This person did not have patience to make an honest living. Patience will lead to making good honest decisions that in turn reward in a way that will certainly be most satisfying. Being successful is easily miss interpreted because of the way success is portrayed in everyday television sets. But one must not be miss leaded into believing that what you see on television is the true definition of success. But look into weather they have an honest paying job take pride in it, strive to be the best possible parent they can be and know how to keep themselves and a family happy, that is the true epitome of a successful person.

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