Personal Essay: Muslims Are Terrorists

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Muslims are terrorists. It is a fact, ask anyone. Just turn on the tv, read the newspaper, go outside. Do they like attention? What is the benefit of harming the innocent? Along with these quarries we also have to ask ourselves one; How much do we know about Islam, Muslims, and terrorism? Is it fair for us to label all Muslims or even just Muslims as the “terrorist”?
Growing up as a practicing Muslim in the twenty-first century. I can not believe what people say about my religion and its followers. Is it fair to label myself and fellow Muslims as things we are not. What have I done? Who have I harmed? Who have I killed? Who have I made fun of? Who have I oppressed? Whom do I force anything on? Nobody. It is I that has been harmed. It is I who lives in fear. It is I who takes the fault for things that I have no correlation with at all. Why can I not be Muslim? Why can I not get the same respect I give others? Yes, we are different, …show more content…

I guess it was not as obvious. It must have been due to his lack of an accent, or the modern close he wore, or even the fact that he doesn’t have a beard. Whereas I wore a hijab, but should that make me a direct target? If I get searched to ensure others safety then I am okay with that because I know very well you will not find anything planted on me. I fear for my safety too though. Will every person I feel is a threat to me get searched. No. Muslims are not terrorists. Terrorism comes in one shade and that shade is unknown. It is because anyone can become a terrorist at any moment. Anyone that causes direct terror on people can be considered a terrorist. However, the general term for a terrorist these days is Muslim. Simple. The first big terrorist attack on united states soil was 9/11. I was an infant in Atlanta, Georgia. Why will I have to live the rest of my life in fear? Fear of oppression, criticism, and hate. Fear of the unknown effect being Muslim will have on the rest of my

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