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Irrational phobias
The impacts of fear on society
The impact of fear on society
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In today’s society the word “terrorism” has gone global. We see this term on television, in magazines and even from other people speaking of it. In their essay “Controlling Irrational Fears After 9/11”, published in 2002, Clark R. Chapman and Alan W. Harris argue that the reaction of the American officials, people and the media after the attacks of 9/11 was completely irrational due to the simple fact of fear. Chapman and Harris jump right into dismembering the irrational argument, often experienced with relationships and our personal analysis. They express how this argument came about from the terrorist being able to succeed in “achieving one major goal, which was spreading fear” among the American people (Chapman & Harris, para.1). The supporters of the irrational reaction argument state that because “Americans unwittingly cooperated with the terrorist in achieving the major goal”, the result was a widespread of disrupted lives of the Americans and if this reaction had been more rational then there would have been “less disruption in the lives of our citizens” (Chapman & Harris, para. 1).
Chapman and Harris then continue to argue that this irrational reaction was caused by the number of deaths that were seen. They argue that there are more deaths due to fatal car accidents and they go on to mention the 2001 earthquake that took place in Gujarat, India that killed nearly 20,000 people (Chapman & Harris, para. 2). We tend to see deaths closer to us as more tragic but forget that there are more people dying across the globe. This argument is valid, however, not to say that 9/11 was not tragic. They continue to present valid arguments and with that also accusing the practice of malice. Malice, according to Chapman and Harris, is th...
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...ay from other matters with more promise of making the country a better place” (Chapman & Harris, para. 9). Both seem to believe that we, as the American people, make ourselves look like the victims because of how the media portrays the incidents that are related to terrorism. There are many other incidents across the globe that are killing more and more people every day. There are more people who die from car crashes then there are people who have died due to some sort of terrorism related death. We, as Americans should not make this mistake of letting a tragic incident scare us and divert our attention elsewhere. As Chapman and Harris states, “we seem to have all begun to think of ourselves as terrorist targets, but, in fact, reason tells us we are in much greater danger from our friends and neighbors behind the wheels of their cars.” (Chapman & Harris, para. 9).
convince “readers of your point of the view” (4). In his essay “Did My Car Join Al Qaeda?”,
On September 11, 2001 America changed forever. At 8:46 a.m. American Airlines Flight 11’ crash into the North Tower World Trade Center Tower in New York. At 9:03 United Airlines Flight 175 crashes in the South Tower of the World Trade Center. Then American Airlines Flight 77 crashes into the western façade of the Pentagon. While United Airlines Flight 93’ some believed this was destined for the White House, U.S. Capitol building, or other landmarks, crashes into a field in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. At the end of this horrific terrorist attack approximately 2,977 died. Many families lost fathers, mothers, daughters, brothers. Who could possible inflict such a horrendous, despicable
Terrorism is the next problem that is discussed in “Letter to Americans”. Thompson gives an interesting example with the death of an American serviceman which was highly noticed and at the same time the death of sixty-three other lives (non-American) is left almost unmentioned.
Host: On September the 11th 2001, the notorious terror organisation known as Al-Qaeda struck at the very heart of the United States. The death count was approximately 3,000; a nation was left in panic. To this day, counterterrorism experts and historians alike regard the event surrounding 9/11 as a turning point in US foreign relations. Outraged and fearful of radical terrorism from the middle-east, President Bush declared that in 2001 that it was a matter of freedoms; that “our very freedom has come under attack”. In his eyes, America was simply targeted because of its democratic and western values (CNN News, 2001). In the 14 years following this pivotal declaration, an aggressive, pre-emptive approach to terrorism replaced the traditional
Every time a terrorist attack happens the media jumps all over it, and puts their own twist on what had happened. “Thus, the media has a strong potential to influence how the public thinks about social problems like terrorism, especially because most people only experience terrorism through mass-media accounts...This research also finds that media portrayals of terrorism increase anxiety among the viewing public.” (Chermak, 2006) The media is one of the leading causes of stereotypes, and what influences our beliefs today. When you think of a terrorist, you may think of either a middle aged muslim male or a middle aged white male with some sort of mental or social disorder. This isn 't always the case. A terrorist can be of any race, age, and social class. Due to the media 's influence, we all believe in the same stereotypes and imagine the same description of what a terrorist may look like. This is one of the main reasons behind racial profiling.
When a giant explosion ripped through Alfred P. Murrah federal building April 19,1995, killing 168 and wounding hundreds, the United States of America jumped to a conclusion we would all learn to regret. The initial response to the devastation was all focused of middle-eastern terrorists. “The West is under attack,”(Posner 89), reported the USA Today. Every news and television station had the latest expert on the middle east telling the nation that we were victims of jihad, holy war. It only took a few quick days to realize that we were wrong and the problem, the terrorist, was strictly domestic. But it was too late. The damage had been done. Because America jumped to conclusions then, America was later blind to see the impending attack of 9/11. The responsibility, however, is not to be placed on the America people. The public couldn’t stand to hear any talk of terrorism, so in turn the White House irresponsibly took a similar attitude. They concentrated on high public opinion and issues that were relevant to Americans everyday. The government didn’t want to deal with another public blunder like the one in Oklahoma City. A former FBI analyst recalls, “when I went to headquarters (Washington, D.C.) later that year no one was interested in hearing anything about Arab money connections unless it had something to do with funding domestic groups. We stumbled so badly on pinpointing the Middle East right off the bat on the Murrah bombing. No one wanted to get caught like that again,”(Posner 90). The result saw changes in the counter terrorism efforts; under funding, under manning, poor cooperation between agencies, half-hearted and incompetent agency official appointees and the list goes on. All of these decisions, made at the hands of the faint-hearted, opened the doors wide open, and practically begged for a terrorist attack. So who’s fault is it? The public’s for being
September 11, 2001 was one of the most devastating and horrific events in the United States history. Americans feeling of a secure nation had been broken. Over 3,000 people and more than 400 police officers and firefighters were killed during the attacks on The World Trade Center and the Pentagon; in New York City and Washington, D.C. Today the term terrorism is known as the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives (Birzer, Roberson). This term was clearly not defined for the United States for we had partial knowledge and experience with terrorist attacks; until the day September 11, 2001. At that time, President George W. Bush, stated over a televised address from the Oval Office, “Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.” President Bush stood by this statement for the United States was about to retaliate and change the face of the criminal justice system for terrorism.
For a second, the U.S. stood still. Looking up at the towers, one can only imagine the calm before the storm in the moment when thousands of pounds of steel went hurdling into its once smooth, glassy frame. People ran around screaming and rubble fell as the massive metal structure folded in on itself like an accordion. Wounded and limping from the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, America carried on, not without anger and fear against a group of innocent Americans, Muslim Americans. Nietzsche’s error of imaginary cause is present in the treatment of Muslim Americans since 9/11 through prejudice in the media, disregard of Muslim civil liberties, racial profiling, violence, disrespect, and the lack of truthful public information about Islam. In this case, the imaginary cause against Muslims is terrorism. The wound has healed in the heart of the U.S. but the aching throb of terrorism continues to distress citizens every day.
To support his claim, McPherson argues there is nothing morally relevant to make a distinction between terrorism and conventional war waged by states. In other words, from the moral angel, there is no difference between terrorism and conventional war. Both two types of political violence have some common natures related to morality like posing threat to civilian lives. McPherson argues that conventional war usually causes more casualties and produces fear widely among noncombatants. He focuses on defending the claim that terrorists sometimes do care about noncombatants and proportionality. This viewpoint infers that terrorists do not merely intent to do harm to civilians. As a matter of fact, they sometimes put civilian interests in the first place. Those terrorists caring the victims would not resor...
One day that changed the United States forever was not a recession or a new government but a terrorist attack. In the aftermath of September eleventh, it left American’s brainwashed. To put it differently, the American media only tells one side of the story, in their favor. When an attack happens most Americans mind blame “Muslims” even before people know the full details. In post-September 11, hundreds of terrorist attacks, and actions by Western governments have produced widespread suspicion, detention, and deportation of Muslims. The number of hate crimes that are perpetrated towards Muslims has also grown dramatically. To enumerate this point, recently the act in Portland that left two men dead after they intervened against a man who had
The skies were clear and vibrant blue, while two towers stood tall in Lower Manhattan, New York City. Within a matter of hours, these large towers, the twin towers, collapsed and the skies that were once blue were stained with ashes. Terrorism in the US has been an unresolved problems and continues today and in many other countries. Many solutions are needed in order to prevent tragedies like 9/11 from happening to the country again. Over the past years there has been many debates about terrorism and its prevention since the 9/11 attack on the world trade center. Many Americans on a daily basis work and attend to their priorities. There should be no reason that Americans should feel insecure and afraid in their own homeland because security
Rothe, D. & Muzzatti, S.L. 2004. Enemies everywhere: Terrorism, moral panic and US civil society. Critical Criminology. 1(12): 327–350.
Rapidly, two passenger planes, like envoys of terror, crashed into both towers of the World Trade Center. Pieces of debris came down with a terrifying thunder. Screams of terror could be heard through hearts of thousands people from all over the world. Ten minutes later, people all over the world with shocking fear could observe how two highest buildings of the world were collapsing carrying away thousands of innocent lives. People stood staring in awe at the empty space, which once was the Tenth Wonder of the World. Now, this is just a cloud of dust. Many firefighters and police officers rushed into the burning buildings to save innocent lives. At this time they weren’t thinking about their own lives.
Another quote that shows this is, “Preventing further attacks requires the U.S. to drop its law-enforcement approach to terrorism and recognize that we are at war” (9/11). To stop attacks like 9/11 from occurring, people need to see that the U.S. isn’t only under attack, but at war as well with the terrorists. Slowly, the country and its citizens are realizing this. The counterclaim for this argument is, “The work of public officials allowed us to ask if the country overreacted to 9/11. Providing counter terrorism has increased costs more than what was expected” (9/11).
The country that we live in today isn’t the same that it always has been. Over the many years since the United States of America was founded there have been many changes. Some of those changes being good and some being bad. I believe that Domestic terrorism is a rising problem that needs to be addressed and taken care of immediately. Domestic terrorism is when someone from inside the country or region is attempting to do harm on their own country or region. I am choosing this topic because like many others I think that the U.S. is a great country and I don’t believe we should allow people to attack us and hurt others in our nation. I know that it is a rising problem based off of the constant stories in the news every day. I also know that it needs to be taken care of as fast as possible or else it will continue to grow until our country is taken down.