When we think of terrorist, we might think of radical Islamic individuals or groups who would take pride in killing anyone who is not Muslim. Even more, there are antagonistically people who want nothing more but to destroy the lives of innocence people because of their belief system. Take an individual like Theodore Kaczynski for instance; he was a former University of California at Berkeley math professor. Otherwise known as the “Unabomber,” he was indeed a terrorist because he used explosives that killed three people and wounded eighteen others in a span of almost two decades. Even more, his brother David Kaczynski was responsible for his capture.
Looking back on Ted Kaczynski life, one have to wonder when did his behavior changes. How did he form a lack of self-control? When did he become a loner? Ted Kaczynski was born in Chicago on May 22, 1942. Although his life was quite unusual, but his behavior had to begin early on when he was young, judging by the sign of his anti-social behavior. “Ted Kaczynski insists that the Kaczynski home was an unhappy one and that his social isolation came about because his parents pushed him too hard academically” (Chase, 2000). In spite of this, his parents knew he was quite different from other kids and much smarter too, so focusing only on his education; they probable overlook the deeper problem of him adjusting to older kids, of which he had nothing in common. Therefore, there could be a good reason why Ted isolated himself from everyone.
When Ted Kaczynski attended college, he went to one of top schools in the nation, which was Harvard. Moreover, it was and still is to this day one most elite school in America. To add to this, Ted never had any signs of mental health problems while he...
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... brother again. Ted can only sit in his cell and think about what if things would have turned out a different way. However, the most important fact points to the idea of how many more people like Ted Kaczynski who is just waiting to rage war against technology.
Alston, C. (2000, June). Harvard and the making of the unabomber. The Atlantic Monthly, 285(6), 41-65. Proquest. South Bend, Retrieved March 5, 2011, Web.
Gorman, M. O. (2002, April). "I wish I had done something". Prevention, 54(4), 138-143+. Proquest. South Bend, Retrieved February 24, 2011, Web
Higgins, M. (1998). A difficult client. ABA Journal, 84, 18. Proquest. South Bend, Retrieved February 24, 2011, Web.
Vatz, R. E. & Weinberg, L. S. (1998, July). The unabomber's twisted saga. USA Today, 127(2638), 56-58. Proquest. South Bend, Retrieved February 24, 2011, Web.
Over the years, there have been many criminals who have eluded the authorities, but very few have been able to avoid them for as long as the infamous Unabomber did. For 17 years the Unabomer was able to reek his havoc without getting caught.
Retrieved from http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp1305304 NOVA (2013, May 29). NOVA | Manhunt—Boston Bombers [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/tech/manhunt-boston-bombers.html Speckhard, A. (2013). The Boston Marathon Bombers: the Lethal Cocktail that Turned Troubled Youth to Terrorism. Perspectives On Terrorism, 7(3).
Gibbs, Nancy and Sam Allis. "Tracking Down The Unabomber." Time International (South Pacific Edition) 16 (1996): 24. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 15 Nov. 2011
Everyone is a terrorist but everyone can also be labeled as a freedom fighter. It is said that “The ends justify the means” and in order to achieve an important aim, it is acceptable to do something bad. In America we have done both good and bad. Although people for instance President Barak Obama elaborates that one person’s terrorist is also another person’s freedom fighter. A “terrorist” is a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of a political aim. A “freedom fighter” on the other hand is a person who takes part of a violent struggle to achieve a political goal, especially in order to overthrow their government. In making this comment, the synonyms of the word terrorist urges to
the two. Shouldn't we also look inward, and see if in any way a love of ature
He also began shoplifting for expensive items and told his mom that they were gifts. He was picked up at least twice by juvenile authorities on suspicion of auto theft and burglary, but nothing came of it. While Ted was on death row, he once told an interviewer that he knew he was different from other people. He was quoted as having trouble knowing what appropriate social behaviors were. His own needs and desires were all that mattered.
the purpose behind it all and what he stood to gain. I'm sure that wasn't
... There are those individuals that have a strong hatred for Islam, than we have people that feel sorry for Muslims in America and make them feel like they actually belong to society. However, it would be fantastic if people can start to actually separate terrorists from the Muslim community. Their religion was hijacked by the attack. Like I previously mentioned, we many not seem to stop and realize that our own religion might be part of terrorism. Religion should not matter when we look at a person because there are two kinds of people in the world, the good and bad. If we all had to look at the flaws in everyone’s beliefs and religious we would probably come to the conclusion that we aren’t all terrorists but some people with the same beliefs as us, might be. We tend to find the bad in something and associate it with everything else that is somehow connected to it.
Cooijmans, P. (2013, May, 27). Psychological evaluation of theodore kaczynski. Retrieved January 19, 2014 from http://www.paulcooijmans.com/psychology/unabombreport.html
During Dahmer’s psychiatric evaluation, Dr. Wahlstrom concluded, “Jeffrey was suffering from a mental illness never cured for” (FBI 1992). This leads me to perceive that Dahmer must have been displaying psychotic traits that went unnoticed and undocumented during his early lifetime. I can only speculate that this uncured mental illness lead Dahmer to develop and refine his inability to empathize with society; which in turn, lead him to engage in cruelty without mentally comprehending the victim’s suffering. Although the causes for psychopathy are unclear, some suggest that psychogenic aspects can outline abnormalities which may be present in psychopaths (Schmalleger 2014). When looking at Dahmer’s distant relationship with his parents early on in his childhood, I became conscious of the fact the lack of affection from his parents which may have lead him to develop twisted views on how one should display affection to others, thus prompting him to show psychotic behavior later on in life (The profile of Jeffrey Dahmer 1996). Even though the letter of the law fails to describe Dahmer and even if he was not fit to stand trial, I believe the court would have declared him fit for trial due to the brutality of the
Ted Kaczynski a mathematical genius who was widely known as the Unabomber was responsible for over 16 domestic terrorist attacks, which resulted in three fatalities and injured 24 others. Over a span of 17 years he build handmade bombs and would either send them in the mail or deliver them to university professors or airline companies. I will be examining what lead Ted Kaczynski to carry out these attacks through the anomie criminology lens.
It started off as friendly meetings to get Ted to trust him, and once Professor Murray earned Kaczynski’s trust, he manipulated Ted into participating in these tests against his will and knowledge. Due to Ted’s isolation and low self-esteem this traumatic event is believed to have had a later effect on Kaczynski’s well planned terroristic actions.
In trying to determine a reasonable working definition of terrorism and how the terrorist really are, we must recognize and deal with the idea that ' One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter'. From the book The Tyranny of Cliches by Jonah Goldberg, argues over who is or is not a terrorist that it is therefore impossible, to make meaningful distinctions between terrorist and freedom fighters. Jonah Goldberg qouted "As a descriptor, terrorist is almost never applied rigorously and consistently to describe the tactics a group is using. Rather it is invoked as a pejorative to vilify the actions only of groups one wishes to discredit. People who agree with the ends of the very same groups often don't think of them as terrorists, the
What did they do to you?(Ted Kaczynski Biography)” This heavy question was followed by an elongated silence between us.
The word terrorists is usually consisted of Muslims in the minds of most Americans. The continued utilization of illogical term “Muslim terrorists” signifies how the norm of our society is still a white Christian (Singh). Religious and racial bias keep affecting the community of the United States negatively (Singh). In the wake of terrorist attacks in the 2000s, Muslims have been targeted for hate crimes by racists who found them to be convenient scapegoats for dehumanized, nonwhite "others" at whom they wanted to strike (Singh). Due to their visibility and appearance, Muslim were proportionately singled out for harassment during the hate crime epidemic. The very first attack on a Muslim took place shortly after the second plane hit the World Trade Center. Amrik Singh was looking up at the crash when he realized a small group of men across the street were yelling at him, "Take that f---ing turban off, you terrorist!" They chased him into a subway station before Singh escaped. A group of young white men attacked 60 year old Attar Singh with a nail studded baseball bat (Singh). Balbir Singh Sodhi, was the first person murdered in the post attack hate crimes (Singh). The stereotype of all Muslims are terrorists became a big problem in the 2000s; it created violence, which included injuries and killing of Muslims. These stereotypes are still going on but they have lessened more and more over time but it is still a cause for