Ted Kaczynski's Short Story

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We held our breath as we watched the new inmate enter, head held high, strutting. Inmates gaped, some of them in awe and some of them in fear. We cowered, lining both sides of the hall creating just enough space for him to pass through with a train of officers following closely behind. His orange jumpsuit hung loosely and disheveled brown hair had established itself wildly on his head. It was clear it had been tried to combed down but didn’t want to stay in place. The brown/grayish locks stuck up each every way. Dark eyes set deeply, upon which rested two thin brown eyebrows, mouth set firm and framed by a greying well groomed beard and mustache, the infamous, ingenious Unabomber had arrived. All of a sudden he stopped abruptly in front of …show more content…

What did they do to you?(Ted Kaczynski Biography)” This heavy question was followed by an elongated silence between us. “ They were symbols, they stood for all that I was against” Almost as if ‘to him, they were just symbols in his hate-filled crusade against modern technology and its practitioners.(Lardner, Adams).” “What did you think that publishing a manifesto was going to do? That all of a sudden people would change their beliefs and ideas because some crazy lunatic killer told them technology was bad?” I challenged, noting the manifesto that he had tried to publish in all large “media outlets, such as The New York Times, to publish his so-called “Unabomber Manifesto (Ted Kaczynski Biography) “At first I had come to the conclusion that non-violent reformist techniques wouldn’t result in anything (Interview with Ted).This turned me to use violent means such as sending bombs to people that I didn’t even know, but I believed had the biggest influence in this modernistic world(Lardner, Adams), because I realized that if I wanted anything done I had to grab people’s attention and that was why a manifesto from the infamous Unabomber would be

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