Personal Development: A Reflection On Professional Development

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Reflection 2
Yassir Shahriar 4490353

Professional development is a subject about understanding and using those effectively from my prospective. Besides it enhances a vital skill called “critically thinking”. Since the course started my expectations were always at the higher level. After the long run with my team and my teacher, I personally believe that I have successfully met my expectations from this course.

As I was working with my teams it was really important for me to adopt some strategies and use them accurately. I have actually done that. Hill, C (2007) said, “A group is an association of two or more individuals who have a shared sense of identity and who interact with each other in structured ways on the basis of a common set of expectations about each other’s behavior”(Hill, C, 2007, International Business, McGraw Hill/Irwin, New York, p-94). Thus my first strategy was we will discuss each of us points and everyone will take them accordingly. I thought that we have make things easier that’s why I arranged a lot of meetings. Moreover I was always connected via internet to...

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