Performance Support Systems

745 Words2 Pages

Performance Support Systems


In all of the research and documentation used to create this paper Performance Support System (PSS) and Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS) are used synonymously. The term Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS) will be used in this paper.

Defining EPSS.

Performance Support (PS) is the concept of integrating knowledge and learning experiences, with software tools to improve the quality and quantity of worker performance with as little support as possible from other people. PS also provides an electronic foundation to enable organizational learning. EPSS is the computer system the results from applying the concept of performance support (EPSS website). Some people may confuse EPSS with an Information System (IS), an electronic manual, or Computer-Based Training (CBT). IS are designed to help a user use the application, whereas EPSS are designed to provide support on how to do the work. An electronic manual is just an on-line book. An EPSS may contain an electronic manual, but EPSS not only shows you the information, but how to apply it. CBTs facilitates what you need to learn EPSSs facilitates performance.

Why Use an EPSS?

"The rate of change in organizations today is tremendous. Just when one downsizing or reengineering effort ends, the latest business software is released and there is something new to learn. The result? An environment in which employees are continuously novices again" (Dawson 29). An EPSS can be used to continually train and retrain employees while providing task specific assistance and training at the touch of a button. An EPSS can also provide assistance to infrequently encountered problems as well as create a consistent set of answers to customers’ frequently asked questions.

In many corporations today, the time, length, and cost involved in training is excessive. EPSS solves those problems. First, EPSS provides a cost effective way to train employees. Although the initial setup cost of EPSS can be expensive, these cost normally relate to start-up and maintenance. "Instructor led class where teaching time takes roughly 3 times longer compared with computer based instruction. The overhead costs of instructor led training are also much higher. [Also] with instructor led courses, the more students use the program, the more the program costs. Technology based alternatives eliminate these costs" (Winslow & Caldwell 76). Secondly, EPSS provides an alternative to training where employees are absent from work by bring the instruction to the employees.

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