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Essays about cochlear implants
A doctors perspective of cochlear implants
A doctors perspective of cochlear implants
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But are they taking full advantage of the governmental healthcare usage, or could it be that minorities (African Americans) are just victims of a system that wasn’t primarily designed for their benefit? Why isn’t the push for more minority cochlear implant usage conveyed to administrative professionals to be able to make improvements where there are evidential gaps? Their [Healthcare institutions] delivery system is not organized around value for patients, which is why incremental reforms have not lived up to expectations. The challenge is getting more minorities the opportunity to receive a hearing implant. Furthermore, the cost of receiving a cochlear implant isn’t just a challenge in America as other countries are trying to tackle very …show more content…
Her argument is that the implant would signal the end of deaf culture because it would effectively prevent deaf culture from reproducing itself. Interesting enough, Martha compares being deaf to being black as if the struggles have similarities. In which, she discussed that you cannot eliminate deafness just like you can’t change a person who is black into a white person. It’s unchangeable! Since that is or should be recognized why aren’t there training and practices established to help retain the minority distinctive values and practices while introducing them to the world of healthcare technology? In terms of, understanding African American culture and traditions, the presentation of cochlear implants should be embraced. Although, I didn’t agree with Martha’s misinformed perception of comparing being deaf to being a black person, I certainly do understand the need to keep the deaf community identity and not tarnish the hard work and dedication people have devoted. This is a challenging disposition that healthcare professionals face in America. Because technology is here to improve and enhance human life; not distort it. However, not all change is bad! We have to remember that cochlear implants are an option not a health …show more content…
Data is the driving force behind keeping a value-based healthcare system. Without reporting statistical data to ensure patient performance outcomes will lessen the improvement of patient care and the overall advancement of health in America. Data is the key to unlocking investigational research that show several different outcomes to one complicated situation. Performance measures, or quality indicators, are metrics based on objective data that allow one to assess whether a system is achieving an intended goal. A requisite of metrics will need to be established to maintain ongoing efforts to show variable
What I found most interesting about Jarashow’s presentation were the two opposing views: Deaf culture versus medical professionals. Within the Deaf culture, they want to preserve their language and identity. The Deaf community wants to flourish and grow and do not view being deaf as a disability or being wrong. Jarashow stated that the medical field labels Deaf people as having a handicap or being disabled because they cannot hear. Those who are Deaf feel as though medical professionals are trying to eliminate them and relate it to eugenics. It is perceived that those in that field are trying to fix those who are Deaf and eliminate them by making them conform to a hearing world. Those within the Deaf community seem to be unhappy with devices such
Cochlear implants are amazing feats of biomedical engineering, and have helped many people regain the ability to hear. While there are some ethical dilemmas that go along with them, there is no denying just how amazing these implants really are. By understanding how the ear works, what causes it to stop working, and using science and engineering to fix that problem, there is now a way to give someone a sense they might have never been able to experience. It can be costly, but it could drastically change someone’s life. Some people may say for worse, but there will always be someone else to say it was for better. Overall, cochlear implants are an incredible invention and will continue to grow and only get better with technology.
Just like members of other minorities, such as Hispanics and African-Americans, Deaf people experience some of the same oppression and hardships. Although the attempts to "fix" members of and obliterate the DEAF-WORLD are not as highly publicized as problems with other minorities, they still exist. Throughout time, hearing people have been trying to destroy the DEAF-WORLD with the eugenics movement, the mainstreaming of Deaf children into public hearing schools, and cochlear implants.
...people making decisions for the deaf community. The past resulted in the strengthening of unity in the culture. “They claim the right to “personal diversity”, which is “something to be cherished rather than fixed and erased” (Tucker, 1997).
A cochlear implant is a small, complex electronic device that can help to provide a sense of sound to a person who is profoundly Deaf or severely hard-of-hearing. The implant consists of an external portion that sits behind the ear and a second portion that is surgically placed under the skin. Usually, Deaf people are against the implant, because it would destroy the unique characteristic of themselves. Another point is that, the implant does not restore normal hearing. Instead, it can give a Deaf person only a representation of sounds in the environment and help him or her to understand the speech. Of course, the implant can change lives, but it is an individual choice. If a Deaf person does not want it, the decision must be respected. Audists feel that they have to force cochlear implants on Deaf people regardless of whenever they want it or not. Why would someone prefer to stay deaf? Simple: Members of the Deaf culture do not see themselves as disabled, and resent any discrimination or inference that they are disadvantaged. Their culture is wonderful and they are very proud to be part of
The disparities in the healthcare system contribute to the overall health status disparities that affect ethnic and racial minorities. The sources of ethnic and racial healthcare disparities include cultural barriers, geography differences, or healthcare provider stereotyping. In addition, difficulties in communication between health care providers and patients, lack of access to healthcare providers, and lack of access to adequate health care coverage
Large disparities exist between minorities and the rest of Americans in major areas of health. Even though the overall health of the nation is improving, minorities suffer from certain diseases up to five times more than the rest of the nation. President Clinton has committed the nation to eliminating the disparities in six areas of health by the Year 2010, and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will be jumping in on this huge battle. The six areas are: Infant Mortality, Cancer Screening and Management, Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, HIV Infection and AIDS, and Child and Adult Immunizations.
Healthcare disparities are when there are inequalities or differences of the conditions of health and the quality of care that is received among specific groups of people such as African Americans, Caucasians, Asians, or Hispanics. Not only does it occur between racial and ethnic groups, health disparities can happen between males and females as well. Minorities have the worst healthcare outcomes, higher death rates, and are more prone to terminal diseases. For African American men and women, some of the most common health disparities are diabetes, cancer, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and HIV infections. Some factors that can contribute to disparities are healthcare access, transportation, specialist referrals, and non-effective communication with patients. There is also much racism that still occurs today, which can be another reason African Americans may be mistreated with their healthcare. “Although both black and white patients tended not to endorse the existence of racism in the medical system, African Americans patients were more likely to perceive racism” (Laveist, Nickerson, Bowie, 2000). Over the years, the health care system has made improvements but some Americans, such as African Americans, are still being treating unequally when wanting the same care they desire as everyone else.
African Americans face a multidimensional health care crisis that affects the young or old, rich or poor. Too many African Americans are uninsured or underinsured. The elderly cannot afford long-term health care leaving the family to care for them. Health care cost is constantly rising and are out of control, reform is the only way out.
Tucker, Bonnie. “Deaf Culture, Cochlear Implants, and Elective Disability.” Hastings Center Report. 28.4 (1998): 1-12. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 9 Dec. 2013.
In recent discussions of health care disparities, a controversial issue has been whether racism is the cause of health care disparities or not. On one hand, some argue that racism is a serious problem in the health care system. From this perspective, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) states that there is a big gap between the health care quality received by minorities, and the quality of health care received by non-minorities, and the reason is due to racism. On the other hand, however, others argue that health care disparities are not due to racism. In the words of Sally Satel, one of this view’s main proponents, “White and black patients, on average don’t even visit the same population of physicians” (Satel 1), hence this reduces the chances of racism being the cause of health care disparities. According to this view, racism is not a serious problem in the health care system. In sum, then, the issue is whether racism is a major cause of health care disparities as the Institute of Medicine argues or racism is not really an issue in the health care system as suggested by Sally Satel.
The story of the hearing aid depicts one of the most ridiculous timelines of technological advancements in all of history. Although we modernly think of a “hearing aid” as a small device which is inserted into the ear canal, the reality is that a hearing aid is “an apparatus that amplifies sound and compensates for impaired hearing.” Thus, I invite you to expand your mind, and draw your attention to the intriguing, and absolutely absurd, timeline of the hearing aid.
In the United States today, approximately 4500 children are born deaf each year, and numerous other individuals suffer injuries or illnesses that can cause partial or total loss of hearing, making them the largest “disability” segment in the country. Although, those in the medical field focus solely on the medical aspects of hearing loss and deafness, members of the deaf community find this unwarranted focus limiting and restrictive; because of its failure to adequately delineate the sociological aspects and implications of the deaf and their culture. Present day members of deaf culture reject classifications such as “deaf mute” or “deaf and dumb”, as marginalizing them because of their allusions to a presumed disability. (Edwards, 2012, p. 26-30)
Hearing people can have a place in the Deaf community. Each minority group tends to welcome genuine allies and the Deaf community is no exception. But it is important for people who hear to remember our role as allies. We join the community to show our support, not to lead. We can help educate other hearing people, but we are not missionaries to bring Deaf people into the mainstream. Deaf people are the appropriate leaders of their own civil rights movement and teachers of their children. Our role is not to give Deaf people a voice; it is to make sure that the voice already present is heard. And we can do that. We can teach other hearing people to listen.
Davies, Paul. (2005). Implants stir fight over deaf education. Houston Chronicle. Retrieved May 1, 2005, from http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/printstory.mpl/nation/3125477