Perfect World: Prejudice And Racism

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Imagine a world that was finally at peace. No war, no crime, and most importantly no more social injustices. No more worrying about being judged because of the color of our skin or being judged for being a certain sex, but instead a world where everyone was seen as equals. Now we all have imagined this “perfect world”, yet never believed it was possible to accomplish. However, I believe that if we take one step towards the right direction ,we will eventually become closer to this “perfect world”. This step in the right direction starts with two problems that formed hundreds of years ago, racism and sexism. From the beginning of time, humans have had this idea that the color of your skin and your gender determined whether you were “better” …show more content…

Since this social injustice has become so much more than just a mental belief by causing actual people to be terrorized, it seems as though we need magic to come up with an effective solution. If I had the power to easily take a magic wand to solve racism and sexism, I would travel all the way back in time to when racism and sexism first developed. I would talk to everyone and try to stick it in their heads that everyone should be equal no matter the race or gender. I would teach them to respect everyone and to never discriminate against one another. Yes, this may seem as I am just a parent re enforcing rules, but I believe a person is racist and sexist because they were taught or influenced by someone else. Now of course, I wouldn’t just travel to the beginning of where it all started, but I would travel through different years and make sure what I said in the past has stuck. Of course, this is only …show more content…

If magic existed we would have that “perfect world” in a heartbeat, but although magic makes it quicker, I still believe we can accomplish the world we want to live in without magic. Since I believe that racism and sexism starts at home, I think we need to emphasis the fact to all families the importance of equality. This may have been attempted many times, but maybe if we can’t convince the parents we go straight to the children. In this generation, social media is definitely a place we can get most children's attention and get them to actually listen. Maybe start by having those celebrities the children look up to talk about racism and sexism to get the children more aware of the issue. Eventually more and more people should try to persuade and show the children how wrong it is to discriminate color or gender. This will cause a movement through the internet and hopefully reach all different parts of the world.Of course, we can never get everyone to listen or agree, but by convincing just enough people it will cause them to teach others in the future. This will cause later generations to also realize the wrong in racism and sexism. Then, maybe one day in the future, we will finally reach almost everyone causing racism and sexism to be a problem of the

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