Peanut butter and a God

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Peanut butter and a god

I am a rationalistic materialist refuting dualism, believing that it may be possible speaking in terms of metaphysics that nothing is real, and epistemologically what we can know, is nothing compared what can be known. While my being on this plane in a human body does not dictate my essence rather than it does my existence, for me, existence will always come before essence.

Epistemology is a branch of philosophy that studies the nature of knowledge. What is it that we can know? Scholars of epistemology are searching for the definition of knowledge. I believe knowledge comes from direct experience, experimentation, practicing what you are learning and by association. Furthermore, knowledge must be acquired through experience; it is not born into an infant. A child or adult becomes wise in the ways of the world through living life.

Metaphysics asks what is real? Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality. In Metaphysics: Multiple Meanings, it states that a metaphysician is nothing more than a person whose interests lay in nothing but endeavoring to discover what underlies everything. This sounds like a fine idea, but I doubt, and seriously refute the idea that we will ever know the answer to what underlies everything. For all we know, some person has grown our world like an ant farm, and we are only here for their humor.

For a belief to be true according to the empiricist view, it must be confirmed in some way by sense experience. I find it troubling to just believe, to be in a way, gullible. I have always been taught to research, not to jump into something without knowing anything, for in my house, gullible meant stupid. Although my mother thinks it's not good that we don't attend church, she is the one who taught me this truth seeking through researching. My mother is not the most religious person in the world, but I believe she has conflicting ideas. She can believe in God without some sort of evidence, while at the same time, tells me to learn and search for proof of something. This empiricist view seems to be just faith. People all over the world have faith in a god, but I believe that any faith, either it be in peanut butter, or in god, is a good thing.

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