Patty's Character Traits

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Patty was on her way home from the store and went into labor. June 19, 2003 6:47,a beautiful gift came to patty elliott. Patty was in 12 horrible, painful hours of labor at Floyd county hospital. Sadie’s family consist of five members. She has two siblings, ages fifteen and eleven. She lives with both of her parents but favors her dad more than her mom. Her mom is overly protective and yells about everything she does while her dad is really chill and laid back. She favors her dads side more because they are more understanding and compassionate. Her dads side always comes to her basketball games. Her moms half of the family doesn’t claim sadie, they down talk sadie and make her feel bad. As a toddler Sadies nickname was “Racoon” because …show more content…

When she got alittle older she fell out of a tree stand and dislocated her elbow. She also met her wondeful bestfriend , Lacey Stewart. Still to this day they are friends. She has changed Sadies life forever. In third grade sadie got into her first fight in the school bathroom. She got into loads of troube. During middle school was the worst years of sadies life. She got bad grades all year and failed most of her test. Also during this time period her uncle died and it changed her life forever. Sadie went through a really bad depression and it was a rough patch in life for her. Sadie got into a wreck in middle school to, it traumitized her. But during highschool things seemed to look up for her and she makes better grades and has lots of friends who support her. Sadie also wants to go to prosser next year and get some of her college credits. Five long years from now sadie wants to go to college at unoh and study diesel mechanics. When shes twenty or thirty Sadie wants to be married to the love of her life and have two kids. A boy, and a girl. She wants to move out of Crawford County and move to Colorado or Wyoming. When shes accomplished she wants to be very well and be able to provide for herself and kids. She wants to make sure her kids go to college and are just as successful as

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