Patrick Case Study Examples

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Patrick is a 30-year-old black male who grew up in Lowell, Massachusetts with his little sister and a single mother. Patrick was the product of rape and grew up in a hostile environment. His mother has always been depressed and was emotionally detached. Patrick has developed a complex trauma because of prolonged exposure to physical, and emotional abuse. Now, Patrick struggles and has feelings of low-self-esteem, emotional regulation, and has a hard time trusting people. This issues have made it difficult for Patrick to function at his job (manager at TGI Fridays) and with relationships. Patrick is very irritable and can become anxious in emotionally charged situations. He cut-off his relationship with his mother and sister about 8 years ago. 2 years ago Patrick met Sarah, who he has grown close to but finds himself having fights with constantly. Patrick has never said that he loves Sarah and feels anxious about talking about this thought. He feels like he is losing Sarah and wants to work on the relationship.

Sarah …show more content…

Sarah grew up in a loving house hold throughout her childhood. Sara suffered from “the blues” from time to time, but her parents were not sure if this were full-scale “depressive episodes” or if it was just normal teenager-ish stuff. Now, Sarah has been working as a teacher at the Andover High and finds fulfillment in what she does. Sarah met Patrick 2 years ago and is very much in love with him. She finds herself having many augments with Patrick. She describes heightened reactions to normal relationship issues. She finds that Patrick is withdrawn and distant most of the time. While Sarah wants to work on the relationship, she has grown tired of repeated reassurance of love towards Patrick. Sarah took the initiative in getting additional help from a couples’

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