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Nursing shortage and workload
The impact of nursing workload
Nursing shortage and workload
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One of the pivotal roles of a nurse is the ability to recognise patient deterioration. The skill of identifying crucial elements of deterioration and acting appropriately is fundamental for positive patient outcome. A vital skill performed primarily by nurses is the act of respiratory rate measurement. This skill is performed in addition to five other physiological parameters, which form a basis for a scoring system. The scoring systems commonly used are known as NEWS (National Early Warning Score) and EWS (Early Warning Score). As many adverse events are preceded by a period of time where by the patient exhibits physiological dysfunction, there is often time to correct abnormalities. This has significance for nurses, as they are responsible …show more content…
for preserving physiological safety by accurately observing and preventing further deterioration. The presence of an abnormal respiratory rate is usually the first symptom of impending ill health. A retrospective case study completed between May 1989 and December 1990 compared 72 hours of pre arrest vital sign measurements, with those who did not suffer cardiopulmonary arrest. Results found that the occurrence of one or more respiratory rate of >27 breaths per minute over a 72 hour period was predictive of arrest (Fieselmann et al 1993). It was also identified that there is usually an extended period between the first elevated rates and the need for CPR, making it possible to potentially correct measures. The presence of Tachypnoea can indicate certain disease states with the potential to lead to cardiopulmonary arrest, such as hypoxeamia, acidosis, sepsis and hypotension. The performance of an accurate respiratory rate measurement is therefore necessary in the identification of deteriorating patients. Sadly, this essential vital sign is often the most neglected.
An audit of patient records completed in 2005, revealed a low incidence of respiratory rate recording. An initial audit completed revealed that only 7% of 341 patients had a respiratory rate recording (Butler-Williams 2005). Due to this worrying outcome, the priority was to implement appropriate training to raise respiratory rate significance. Due to the audit being completed hospital wide and with no prior warning, it is an accurate indicator of an overall attitude of practice towards the recording of respiratory rate. Various studies have been conducted in order to gain an understanding as to why this precious sign is so often ignored. Jacqueline Hogan explored the paucity of patient monitoring on acute wards, completing qualitative research using focus groups in 2004. Four major themes were identified, firstly the issue of the nursing workload. Many participants acknowledged the expansion of the nurse’s role and with this added responsibility, the need for delegation of activities such as patient observations. Observations are often delegated to junior staff members such as healthcare assistants and student nurses. Although many nurses admitted to delegating this vital activity, 73% of nurses did not consider healthcare assistants possessed the required knowledge to interpret observational results. With this lack of knowledge comes the absence of appreciation for the completion of such vital signs, and …show more content…
therefore a reduction in accurate results. Most acknowledged routine ritualistic practice being employed; this may be due to working around meal times or feeling that such organisation can only accommodate the workload. The development of ritualistic practice has implications, as the reasoning behind ones actions can become lost. The skill being performed loses its reasoning and worth and develops into a repetitive task. By having an understanding and knowledge behind why a skill is performed in such a way, it takes it from a ritualistic act and into a skill. A skill can only be performed when reasoning and knowledge is present. Respiratory rate was recognised as being poorly monitored. Staff displayed a lack of knowledge on how to complete respiratory rate measurement correctly. Many participants acknowledged that if they were not carrying a watch they could not physically complete this vital sign. As all additional vital signs are completed with the use of electronic equipment, a reliance on machinery was also emphasised. Dependence on machinery can weaken basic nursing observational skills and cause additional clues to go unnoticed, which can only be recognised by looking, listening and feeling. An issue with this study is that it was undertaken in one hospital and used focus groups. When using focus groups there is a concern that results may be generalised and participants may not feel comfortable to voice their actual beliefs. Contrary to this, various studies have also identified similar issues. The NPSA launched its fifth Patient Safety Observatory report in July of 2007 where by deterioration was identified as a key theme.
The aim of the report was to illustrate why deterioration incidents happen. Focus groups and semi-structured interviews were conducted with nurses and doctors from acute trusts across England and Wales. Concerns were found within written communication on patient observation charts. Rather than results being plotted, users were writing in numbers creating information in a disjointed manner. This has implications for identifying trends and makes it difficult to notice deviation. Issues involving prioritisation due to nursing workload were also emphasised. Many nurses felt that patient comfort was often prioritised as oppose to completing observations. Although comfort is a fundamental attribute to patient satisfaction, the need for appreciation and respect for vital sign monitoring should be promoted over all tasks in order to identify deterioration promptly. A general lack of confidence and respect was held for all patient observations, being viewed as merely a task that needs to be
completed. The developed attitude of a skill becoming a task results in compromised action. The use of ‘spot’ assessments and estimations are often employed rather than performing a formal respiratory assessment. ‘Spot’ assessments are defined as observing a respiratory rate for approximately 15 seconds and multiplying by four. Formal respiratory assessment is where by the respiration is counted for a full minute.
Nurses also refer to vital signs when assessing for deterioration but findings showed omissions were apparent in observation charts, lacking empirical evidence preferred by doctors to assess and advice further action. The review also highlighted ineffective communication between nursing and medical staff with problems experienced communicating complex information between different disciplines (NPSA
Rocognising and Responding Appropriately to Early Signs of Deterioration in Hospitalised Patients (NPSA, 2007) stemmed from the investigation as to why patient deterioration was not being acted on or recognized by healthcare workers. The exploration identified a number of failures centered on lack of proper observation and recordings of observations, and lack of proper communication between hospital staff members. The study uncovered concerns from staff members not observing patients at night, to undertrained staff left to interpret vital signs and perform work outside of their level of expertise. It also showed a pattern of little to no communication between medical colleagues ...
According to the Registered Nurse (RN) Scope of Practice Position Statement, “the RN is responsible for providing safe, compassionate, and comprehensive nursing care to patients and their families with complex healthcare needs” (Texas Board of Nursing, 2011). Nurses often care for five to six patients at one time; therefore, in order to provide the best quality care, patients are often connected to monitoring devices such as, physiological monitors, venti...
A team led by RN, should mentally prepare their patients to understand their responsibility towards good health. This can be done by showing them special documentaries during their stay in the hospital, in a common room where other patients can also join them in a group of six to twelve. After the session, patients should be given a short comments form with multiple choice answers (Appendix A). The purpose is to check their positivity towards the message conveyed through the documentary. At this time patient's vitals should be checked and recorded for the future
An electrocardiogram (ECG) is one of the primary assessments concluded on patients who are believed to be suffering from cardiac complications. It involves a series of leads attached to the patient which measure the electrical activity of the heart and can be used to detect abnormalities in the heart function. The ECG is virtually always permanently abnormal after an acute myocardial infarction (Julian, Cowan & Mclenachan, 2005). Julies ECG showed an ST segment elevation which is the earliest indication that a myocardial infarction had in fact taken place. The Resuscitation Council (2006) recommends that clinical staff use a systematic approach when assessing and treating an acutely ill patient. Therefore the ABCDE framework would be used to assess Julie. This stands for airways, breathing, circulation, disability and elimination. On admission to A&E staff introduced themselves to Julie and asked her a series of questions about what had happened to which she responded. As she was able to communicate effectively this indicates that her airways are patent. Julie looked extremely pale and short of breath and frequently complained about a feeling of heaviness which radiated from her chest to her left arm. The nurses sat Julie in an upright in order to assess her breathing. The rate of respiration will vary with age and gender. For a healthy adult, respiratory rate of 12-18 breaths per minute is considered to be normal (Blows, 2001). High rates, and especially increasing rates, are markers of illness and a warning that the patient may suddenly deteriorate. Julie’s respiratory rates were recorded to be 21 breaths per minute and regular which can be described as tachypnoea. Julies chest wall appeared to expand equally and symmetrical on each side with each breath taken. Julies SP02 levels which are an estimation of oxygen
Recognition, response and treatment of deteriorating patients are essential elements of improving patient outcomes and reducing unanticipated inpatient hospital deaths (Fuhrmann et al 2009; Mitchell et al 2010). Appropriate management of the deteriorating patient is often insufficient when not managed in a timely fashion (Fuhrmann et al 2009; Naeem et al 2005; Goldhill 2001). Detection of these clinical changes, coupled with early accurate intervention, may avoid adverse outcomes, including cardiac arrest and deaths (Subbe et al. 2003). The 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' One of such early interventions may be offered by Roper, Logan, Tierney (1980) called the activities of daily living model.
With the help of NDNQI’s research and testing, hospitals have more successful patient outcomes and give a higher quality and safe care. Having been on the patient side as well as the medical professional side, it has shown how effective nurse sensitive indicators and HCAHPS are for both sides of the coin to standardize things for nurses as well as making sure our patients are properly and safely cared
Vitacca, M., Assoni, G., Pizzocaro, P., Guerra, A., Marchina, L., Scalvini, S., et al. (Writer) (2006). A pilot study of nurse-led, home monitoring for patients with chronic respiratory failure and with mechanical ventilation assistance [Article], Journal of Telemedicine & Telecare.
Safe nurse-patient ratio is a complex issue debated on for many years. Due to inadequate staffing registered Nurses are faced with high patient ratios, and nurse burn out everyday. According to the American Nurses Association, “Massive Reductions in nursing budgets combined with, the challenges presented by a growing nursing shortage have resulted in fewer nurses working longer hours for sicker patients. This situation compromises care and contributes to the nursing shortage by creating an environment that drives nurses from the bedside”. (2012) Through the nursing process, the essential role of the Registered Nurse is to assess, diagnose, and plan based on outcomes, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of nursing care. However, it is not realistic to thoroughly implement these core guidelines in a safe and effective way, when you are
The nursing discipline embodies a whole range of skills and abilities that are aimed at maximizing one’s wellness by minimizing harm. As one of the most trusted professions, we literally are some’s last hope and last chance to thrive in life; however, in some cases we may be the last person they see on earth. Many individuals dream of slipping away in a peaceful death, but many others leave this world abruptly at unexpected times. I feel that is a crucial part to pay attention to individuals during their most critical and even for some their last moments and that is why I have peaked an interest in the critical care field. It is hard to care for someone who many others have given up on and how critical care nurses go above and beyond the call
Respiratory assessment is a significant aspect of nursing practice. According to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, respiratory rate is the best indicator of an ill patient and it is the first observation that will demonstrate a problem or deterioration in condition (Philip, Richardson, & Cohen, 2013). When a respiratory assessment performed effectively on a patient, it can result in upholding patient’s comfort and independence in progress of symptom management. Studies have acknowledged that in spite of the importance of the respiratory rate (RR) it is documented rarely than the other vital signs in the hospital settings (Parkes, 2011). This essay will highlight the importance of respiratory assessment and discuss why nurses
With the introduction of the age of computers, the nursing profession has seen a transition from the manual to automated methods of record keeping and even patient management. With the introduction of new technology even in monitor systems within the hospitals, nurses are compelled to increase their scope of learning in order to cope with the changes. Intensive care unit equipment are highly sophisticated which only increases the pressure on the nurse as a learner (Urquhart, Currell, Grant & Hardiker). This explicitly shows that nursing is a
Alarm fatigue is a growing concern in our healthcare system and nursing care today. Studies have shown that as many as 86% to 99.4% of alarms that sound by physiological monitors are false-positives that do not result in a change in patient care (Graham, 2010). The primary objective of physiological alarms on the nursing units is to notify the clinicians to a patient’s deteriorating status in order for timely and proper action to be taken before an adverse outcome occurs. Due to the high volume of false-positive alarms, over time, these alarms start to be taken less seriously, slowing reaction time to a possible patient’s problem, or being ignored all together. Alarm fatigue can be challenging due to the fact that it involves both technical
This reflection of vital signs will go into discussion about the strengths and weaknesses of each vital sign and the importance of each of them. Vital signs should be assessed many different times such as on admission to a health care facility, before and after something substantial has happened to the patient such as surgery and so forth (ref inter). I learned to assess blood pressure (BP), pulse (P), temperature (T) and respiration (R) and I will reflect and discuss which aspects were more difficult and ways to improve on them. While pulse, respiration and temperature were fairly easy to become skilled at, it was blood pressure which was a bit more difficult to understand.
Frailty and its related outcomes were monitored not only during hospital admission, but follow-up after discharged. The health outcomes were evaluated with various follow-up periods as short term (week), intermediate term (month), and long term (year). Adverse health outcomes especially poor mobility, limit the activity of daily living, delay discharge, postoperative complication, readmission, and death were generally reported in frailty rather than non-frail. Kua and colleagues (2016) demonstrated that after 6-month follow-up post hip surgery, frailty is strongly associated with increasing poor mobility (OR=0.74, p-value= 0.01), and dependency of basic activity (BADL) (OR=22.55, p-value= 0.001) and activity of daily living (ADL) (OR=5.53,