Path Of Globalization From The Berbers To Bach Analysis

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In the article “Paths of Globalization: From the Berbers to Bach”, renowned cellist, Yo-Yo Ma (2008) discusses the positive ways in which globalization can help us evolve through cultural traditions. Some people are threatened with the idea of globalization and living by someone else’s rules, but it may have a positive effect on our society as well. I agree with the author’s idea that globalization can help create new cultures and spread old traditions. Ma specifies that one of the ways to learn about foreign cultures is to experience them. The author also states that those who share their knowledge are even more curious and fascinated by different cultures. The author also says that traditions are created by sharing the ownership to it, but everyone has their own meaning behind it. Ma gives a few examples in regard to keeping the local traditions alive through movies, museums, and cities. He also mentions that immigrant groups coming from different countries can teach us about their values, and vice versa, without causing any harm to their culture. Furthermore, the author points out some ideal ways of education that would encourage children to learn not only about their traditions but others as well, such as encouraging …show more content…

In my opinion, living in a different country is the best way possible to learn about different traditions and cultures. Personally, before moving to the United States my mindset about the American culture was based off on stereotypical films and books. I believe when you start living in a foreign country, you learn more about their local culture and traditions because you get to experience them. For instance, I always thought that Americans eat cheese with everything, but they eat a variety of cuisines as

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