Nowadays, the numbers of students who are always looking for a part time job while they are attending college is increasing every day. According to an article was published in 1998 on The Futurist, the number of students who have a part-time job increased from 5% of students in the 1950s to almost 70% of the students in some communities (“Jobs hurt school performance” n. page). Because of a bunch of fee and cost that students have to handle, working during college seems to be a necessity than an option. The part-time jobs provide not only paychecks but also experience, skills for the students. It is very helpful for the students after they graduate college and look for a real job. Although there are some people who argue that having a job during …show more content…
Taking a part time job will help students pay a part of their school fee, living cost. Based on the own experience, Sarah Coleson, a student at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Indiana claims that part-time jobs provide her amount of money that helps her to graduate her university with a very small loan (qtd. Caldwell 56). In addition, according to Joe Paul Case, a director of financial aid department at Amherst College in Massachusetts, even though George Washington University is in a small town in Washington D.C, students who are studying in there can earn at least $7 per hour, about more than $7,000 a year. Especially, if students have special skills, their salary would be up to $8-$9 per hour (qtd. Ewers 44). By the other words, the paychecks that students earn from working as a part-time employee while studying in college helps them to capable of handling the fee that students should pay, such as school tuition, books, or living cost. Moreover, students who can earn their own money also tend to be more independent than the others. Being independent is a skill that students should learn in order to help them in the
Some students go about getting extra money to pay for classes by trying to get a job. Even getting a job poses as an issue, with the already lack of jobs being taken by people who sometimes even hold college degrees themselves leaves struggling college students penniless. It then ...
I plan to work while I attend college. I believe this is so important because I can help with my living expenses and contribute toward my education. For years, I have been under my parents’ wings, and I would love to help them by financially giving back to them. Working in college will improve my education as well as my family’s finances, and I think that it is crucial. Working will make me want to study more and make better grades and it will prepare me for my
A majority of people believe that graduating from college will result in a well-paying job. Unfortunately, a degree will not secure a job for many graduates. In the U.S., the jobless rate for college graduates in 2012 was 7.7 percent, and has further increased in the past five years(Robinson). With such a large pool of unemployed citizens for employers to choose from, recent graduates are facing fewer opportunities for work due to little or no previous work experience(Robinson). Although many graduates are faced with unemployment, the majority do receive the opportunity to work. Sadly, many must work jobs they do not enjoy for salaries that make it difficult to make ends meet(Debate). Students are faced with mortgage-sized debts upon graduation, making it difficult for them to start businesses, buy cars or houses, or make other investments that would better the
Summary: In the essay, “Part-time Employment Undermines a Student’s Commitment to School” by Laurence Steinberg, it explains how studies show that teenagers that work while attending school are more likely to loose their commitment to school. Steinberg tells the effects on students when they work more than twenty hours a week. His theory was that students are more susceptible to losing their interest in school, while working. They may have to work in the evening time, which can interfere with homework, sleep and diet. Steinberg also elaborated on how these students that work receive money that can make school seem less desirable. Also because they do receive money, they can use their extra money to become associated with drugs and alcohol.
Students spend four years of their lives attending high school. Going through high school is mandatory as it prepares them for college and strength to face “the real world.” Having part-time jobs has become the phenomenon among high school students and many students follow this trend as well. Moreover, there are some pros and cons attached with it. Though it may seem like working throughout high school is a bad idea, it could better prepare students for “the real world.” Although some people believe that the primary duty of a student is studying, I am of the opposite position. I strongly support the idea that high school students should work throughout high school. This is because they can earn money, become responsible and get experience.
But many low-income students not only have a full-time course schedule, they also have jobs where they work more than 30 hours per week. Approximately one-quarter of college students’ work while attending school and have both a full course-load and a full-time job (Carnevale, Smith, & Melton, 2015). Working helps students with the living costs as well as tuition and can help students learn skill sets that many employers prefer. However, there are problems with having full-time work while going to college.
Those who take on student debt when enrolling into college, result in needing to find a job immediately after school in hopes of paying their debt off soon. Reporter of Upromise, Diane M. Whitmore, published the article “Learning and Earning: Working in College”, which offers college students statistics of their working experience due to tuition. She states that “after four years, college students who had worked 20 hours per week at an off-campus job were 8.7 percentage points less likely to have graduated than non-workers.” Students who cannot afford to have a large amount of debt, work and therefore have less time for their studies.
Work and employment have been, and still are one of the prominent reasons why so many Asians continue to immigrate to the United States. As early as the Gold Rush in 1840s, when gold was discovered in the Sacramento Valley in California, which led many Chinese to come to the U.S. to find their fortune and return home rich, Asians (primarily Chinese then) had been coming to the United States. In addition to working in the gold mines, Chinese also worked as small merchants, domestics, farmers, grocers, and starting in 1865, as railroad workers on the famous Transcontinental Railroad project.
Trends in time off with pay can vary from public (i.e. not for profit) and private (i.e. for profit) sector organizations. Usually public sector employees are governed by benefits that separate vacation, sick, personal days, jury duty, funeral leave etcetera. Private sector employers primarily utilize Paid Time Off (PTO) that lump all of the instances of needing time off in a time bank that each employee is responsible for maintaining. Time off with pay is a topic that is regularly evaluated throughout organizations today. In this paper I will be discussing the paid time off benefits that are offered to public employees.
It is very common that many high school students hold part time jobs while going to school. When these teens work, they are able to learn and experience life lessons from ethical and moral work. Knowing that school is aways and should be a priority, students should work while in high school because working helps students be more responsible with their lives, help them practice time managment, and also helps students see and experience the real world.
Nowadays, more students do part-time job during their school days to earn money or to have practical experience. In this essay, I am going to compare and contrast the different attitudes toward students doing part-time job in China and USA. In China, there are only a few types of part-time job, such as shopkeeper and working in factories. However, in USA, it is possible for students to work in various kinds of shop or even work as intern in companies. As a result, there are
The effectiveness of job rotation practices in increasing employee motivation, commitment and job involvement in Amazon Inc.
College life for many new graduates can be a turn off, especially after years of public education, and the thought of spending more time in class is too much to bear. Still, others may decide it is too early to join the workforce, and choose to enroll in a college instead. The workload for college students can be difficult due to the expense of attending, increased complexity of coursework, and self-governing responsibility needed to succeed. Nonetheless, those who enter the real world can expect rigid work schedules, usually less than adequate pay, and uncertain economic job markets. One noticeable aspect of the real world is the demands employers may place upon his or her employees. Some employers maintain stiff attendance policies and fixed performance quotas. Staying the entire du...
Long working hours continue to be one of the largest health concerns in the world. Currently, the world population has become so busy due to the pressure from harsh economic conditions. People are therefore spending long working hours in the workplace, which is an aspect that has negative impact on their health conditions. Statistics from Working Condition Survey indicates that approximately 30% of workers residing in European Union believe that their health is at risk due to the hours they spent in the workplace (Gurung, 2010:16)
Sometimes we do not realize that there are many economic factors that prevent us from getting a job. In 2012, the Bureau of Labor Statistics carried out a report taking in mind Americans under 30 who had graduated from college in 2011. Although the paper did not clarify between full-time and part-time workers, around 73 percent did have a job and more than 11 percent were still trying to find one. According to a study released by the Department of Education in 1994, 87 percent of university graduate students had a job, either full or part-time. Another 8.4 percent had returned to school, so basically they were out of the job market altogether.