Essay On A University Degree Does Not Guarantee Professional Success

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A university degree does not guarantee professional success
"Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach their potential." --John Maxwell. It is mainly known that in order for you to be successful there are a lot of factors that comes to the table. Educational factor is one of them, but we are thinking that only being educationally prepared will automatically lead us to get a great job. In this twentieth first century, millions of people spend a lot of money, thousands of dollars, expecting to have a great university education that will give them a direct ticket to success, but there some are external factors which we cannot fully control in order to be successful, but surely, we can be aware of it and take advantage. This paper will develop different reasons that support that a university degree does not guarantee professional success.
The first point to address is the job market complaints. Sometimes we do not realize that there are many economic factors that prevent us from getting a job. In 2012, Bureau of Labor Statistics carried out a report taking in mind Americans under 30 who had graduated from college in 2011. Although the paper did not clarify between full time and part-time workers, around 73 percent did have a job and more than 11 percent were still trying to find one. According to a study released by the Department of Education in 1994, 87 percent of university graduated students had a job, either full or part-time. Another 8.4 percent had returned to school so basically they were out of the job market altogether. And the rest percentage was fully unemployed. Without a doubt, this is a clear fact that graduate students had better opportunities and m...

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...mportant degree in this area but if you do not show commitment, responsibility and another personal skill you will not be able to succeed in the job and in your professional life.
After all this paper, the most important conclusion is that a university degree is a tool, but not a ticket to success. It is not saying that is not worth going to college; but, surely, it was not as good as was in the 80s. Another important fact to be clear about is that degrees does not guarantee success, people do. In order to be a successful in your professional life it is very important to have a university degree, but it is also very important to show responsibility, commitment and character in order to succeed. In this time, millions of people are spending lot of money in university, which is good, but also we have to take in mind the different aspects that contribute to success.

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