Parents Checking Teens

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Parents believe checking their teens social media is a good idea but parents checking their teens devices leads to many bad things. Parents monitoring teens social media use is an invasion of privacy and can lose the bond with your teen. Parents who don’t check their kids devices create a stronger bond with them and have more trust. Parents should educate their teens on how to be safe online and trust them. Parents do not need to check their teens social media. If they are so worried that their teens are doing bad stuff online, they should educate them on what they can do to be safe online. Parents also need to trust their teens. Dont assume they are doing bad things if it is very unlikely. Overall, parents not checking teens phones creates …show more content…

If parents educate their teens to never do bad stuff online, they wouldn’t have to worry about what their teens might be doing on their devices. The text states,“If you're so worried about your kids doing bad stuff on the internet, EDUCATE THEM ON WHAT THEY CAN DO TO BE SAFE! You shouldn't have to be stalking their social media, and if they don't want you to see something then just let it go” ( This is telling that if you educate your teens to do the right things they will. If you never educate your teens what is right and wrong online they could be doing the wrong stuff. You have to teach your teens to always do good things online and be aware of people around them. Another example is referring to, “Instead of raising kids who try to sneak around them online, parents should try building a strong foundation from the beginning.” This demonstrates that from the beginning parents should teach the importance of online safety. Parents should also build trust with their teens. If parents build trust with them, they will trust their parent and will tell them everything. If the teens feel they do not trust their parents they will sneak around and not tell them everything happening in their life. In conclusion, Parents need to educate their teens to always be careful and safe online and never do wrong …show more content…

Teens, like everyone else, seek privacy in their lives and they cannot get it if parents are snooping on their teens devices. For example, “Parents shouldn't because it will make children stop trusting their own parents and feel that they don't have privacy” ( This means that parents monitoring teens devices will lose the trust of the teen towards the parent. This will also make the teen upset because they believe they have no privacy. More examples would be according to an article by New York Post, “When teens seek privacy, they, like most people, seek it in relation to those who hold power over them — which mostly means teachers and parents.” This shows that just like anyone else, teens seek their privacy and especially at that age they need a lot of it. Teens want to have privacy from people who have power over them, which would be the parents. All in all, parents should not watch what their teens do on social media and on their devices so they get the privacy they

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