Parenting In The Glass Castle

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Parents Rex and Rosemary Walls in, The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, seems to demonstrate permissible parenting throughout the memoir. Out of the 4 parenting paradigms the Walls reside well within the permissive category with Rex showing “non-traditional and lenient ways” (Kendra Cherry, The Four Styles of Parenting). Jeannette vividly recounts when her in a drunken haze “took my hand and slowly guided it to the cheetah’s neck” in the zoo enclosure (108). Extremely non-traditionally Rex lets him and his kids into the cheetah’s enclosure, despite protests from the ‘normal’ nuclear family’s at the zoo. “Permissive parents believe in self-regulation” (Cherry) when it comes to the maturing of their kids. Rosemary firmly says “children shouldn’t

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