Parenting In A Thousand Splendid Suns

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There are several examples in A Thousand Splendid Suns of how parenting affects the characters in the novel. The way the parents treat each of their children and their views that they obtain play a vital role in how the children in the book develop. There are obvious reflections of the parents in the characters that you can see throughout the course of this novel. The way a parent treats their child and the rest of their children will affect how that child views them. There are evident examples of this in the novel. The way Nana treats Mariam very clearly affects the way she feels about her as well as the contrast of the relationship between her and her father Jalil. In the beginning of the novel in the first chapter it tells about how Mariam …show more content…

In the second part of the novel it explains the story of Laila and her family. Laila’s mother does not seem to be bothered with her much. It tells about how she forgot to pick her up from school one day and a couple of boys squirted her with a toy gun filled with pee. Laila comes home and she wakes her mother up and tells her what has happened, she barely seems worried. This happens often in parenting. A lot of times parents can be swamped with things in their own lives that they can forget about things that go on in their children’s lives. This incident angered Laila as she thought about it, “Of course, it wouldn't have happened if Mammy had shown up like she was supposed to either. Sometimes Laila wondered why Mammy had even bothered having her. People, she believed now, shouldn't be allowed to have new children if they'd already given away all their love to their old ones. It wasn't fair. A fit of anger claimed her.” (Hosseini, 118-119) Mammy always seemed distant to Laila and Laila always ponders this. She thought about how her mother and father fought and how her mother might love her brothers more than she loves her. Then the incident happens and she is now almost certain that she does. Her brothers are killed in war and her mother becomes depressed. This breaks the family and now Laila is even more distant from her mother. Things like this can cause devastation to a family and it can make things different between them, just as it is in Laila’s family. Laila remembers what it was like to have the family happy and all enjoying each other’s company, “Laila's favorite part of Mammy's good days was when Babi came home, when she and Mammy looked up from the board and grinned at him with brown teeth. A gust of contentment puffed through the room then, and Laila caught a momentary glimpse of the tenderness, the romance, that had once bound her parents back when this house had been crowded and

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